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Kanik woke sneezing and claws in their chest, they squealed, "MY TIDDY, NO- Oop, neva'mind, they still attached." They had scrambed upright, looking around the room to find they had fallen asleep leaning against Hobie on the sofa in the Citadel lobby.
SpiderCat had sat too close to their face, hence the sneezing and tiddy scrapes.

Miles was sat on the sofa seat, pointing something out in a comic to Gwen who sat poised as ever on the arm of it and next to Miles was Peter B. Parker and MayDay cooing on his lap, leaning next to him was a Spider-Man with no colour to him whatsoever, he was a monochrome Spider person, different I guess.
Hobie was who Kanik leant against and Pav was squished at their other side, nestled into the gap with a sudoku spread out in front of him but all he'd done was colour in the squares to make it look like his mask. Dumbass.

"Woah, woah, hol' up, love. Chill it, we're safe. Yer safe." Hobie assured, chuckling as he looked down at his lover with their hands full of their tits. "Let the tiddy go or they'll be sore, innit, yeah?"

Literally everyone gave the odd couple odd looks from that utterance.

  "Fiiine, but I really thought I had been severed from one of my core body parts there..." Kanik wiped their brow of fake sweat dramatically.
"Why'd you think that's an important part of you, Kanik? I mean, boobies are great but really, there's more to you than booby-" Pav stated nonchalantly, Miles makes a confused face while there's an audible smack when Gwen hits her face exasperatedly.
  "Ya wanna see why? Al'ight, we're goin' there, FOLKS!" Kanik sat upright and tugged at their top, the hem coming up over their head and about to flah EVERYONE there with their tits when Hobie  -  of all people stops them.

"HOLY MOLY. NO." Hobie grabs their top and pulls it back down on them.
  "Dude, out of everyone here who're alllll about rules and regulations, you sure you're my Hobie and not some law abiding whore imposter?"
"What of this made me a 'whore'?"
  "You wanna conceal my boobs for yourself-"
"Since when?"
  "Well, it wasn't said, but it was implied-"
"Bitch, you think am jealous? PFFT, I ain't jealous-"
  "So, let me take my top of then-"
  "Why not? You jealous?"
"I am not-"
  "Are too-"

Pav cuts in on the couple's quarrel saying, "D2."

Kanik watches amused as Hobie rolls his eyes. They smirk and bring their brow up.

"So, anyway... Anyone wanna head to the canteen? I feel like apple juice-" Miles said.
"You should see a Doctor about that, New Guy." Pav jokes facetiously.
"Wha-" Miles puzzles then gets it and boredly says, "Har har... you're so funny Pavitr.."
"I really am, aren't I?" Pav chuckled to himself, holding his stomach until he pulls himself up and over the arm of the chair to stand, throwing the sudoku onto the table but pockets the pen.

"Did you seriously just steal a pen?" Peter B. Parker asked incredulously?
"Well, I used it so it's mine now." Pav retorted.
"Oh, yeah of course! My bad, that's obviously GREAT logic-" Peter sarcastically said.
"I know, right!" Pav smiles childishly.

Miles and Gwen go off to the canteen.

"I wish there was more fruity drink choices, ya know?" Pav asks, slumping down in the sofa again, rocketing the lovers up and out of their love drunk states. 
  "What like?... We've got the main juices, ain't they enough?" Kanik asked.
"Yeah but.. You get banana milkshake and chocolate milkshake but you don't get the juicessss~" Pav pointed out.

The monochrome SpiderMan says, "Banana's aren't juicy fruits though-"

  "I love those sweets!" Kanik exclaimed.
"Aw, same!" Hobie said, high fiving them in the back.

"I mean, what's the deal with juice? You got orange juice, you got appke juice, where's the banana juice?!" Pav wailed to no one in particular.
"Pav, banana's don't got no juice to squeeze." Hobie explains, moving his hands for emphasis and then drops them low coolly. 
Kanik gets comfortable leaning against him as they watch the strange boy get up and walk over to another seat to spout more stupid stuff.

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