20 Years Later

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Beyond the Wall of Westeros

Alana's POV

Papa didn't want me to hunt with the other girls. He didn't want me to be too close to the boys either. Papa kept me close by his side in the village and refused to let me out of his sight for too long. He didn't trust many of our people around me, says they don't take too kindly to crow's blood.

Years ago Papa used to be a crow and that was when he made me and because he was still a crow then some of the folk say I've got crow's blood because he didn't give up his black cloak right away. But I'm no crow. No, I'm a princess.

Not a real princess though. I don't wear no shiny crown and I don't wear no pretty and frilly silk gowns. I wear furs and keep as warm as I can beyond the wall where I live. I'm only known as a princess because Papa is King beyond the wall. His goal was to bring all free folk together to survive.

The winters get cold and even summer is cold up here. Papa wants to move us down south past the wall. South as south goes he says. But I don't believe him sometimes. Sometimes he seems to comfortable here beyond the wall. Sometimes I think he misses be a crow and other times he looks at me like he's worried that I'll be hurt just for being the King's daughter.

Mama and I started cooking while Papa and some of the elders were having a meeting. Warming up some spiced wine and serving ale to the men while they waited for the food to be ready. The scent of the hot wine filling my nose as I gave a cup over to Papa.

"Ah," He grunted with a smile. "Once we get us a castle I promise we'll have people to do all this for us. Just got to get somewhere warm and away from the dangers of the night."

I nodded silently and went back to the fire and stirred the pot of stew. It wasn't much in it. Some potatoes and carrots and a little bit of beef. Some garlic and herbs sprinkled in but it was just that, just a sprinkle. We were running low being up at the camp and setting up the village here.

We needed to keep moving but we stopped here because some of the scouts told us they had seen some crows out and about. Wandering and ranging, looking to find us and kill us. One of the scouts we have is a warg, he can put himself not the body of an animal and see from their eyes. He told us he saw some crows but our folk got them and are bringing them here to camp any moment now.

Papa was humming and singing to himself. His favorite song. The Dornish Man's Wife. He played his lute and sang the tune while Tormund Giantsbane sat across from him. Running his hand through his red hair and laughing as Papa sang. Then taking a swig from his ale, the ale dipping down the sides of mouth and onto his beard that was as red as the hair on his head.

"What's that o' warg of yours saying he saw?" Tormund asked Papa.

Papa stopped singing but did not stop playing the lute. "Says he saw crows coming as prisoners to meet me."

"Crows wanting to meet Mance Rayder," Tormund belly laughed so loudly it shook the hut. I stood close by Mama as she heated up some black bread to spread butter on it so it would melt into the bread and soften it a bit. Just the way Papa liked it. She laughed and said he kept his southern eating habits.

Mama wiped her flour coated hands onto her apron and shuffled past me. Grabbing a plate and loaded it with bread and butter, nearly burning her fingers taking the bread off the heat. Sucking air through her teeth to bite through the pain that ran through the tips of her fingers.

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