Kill the Boy

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Kill the Boy

Jon's POV

If they didn't hate me before surely they hate me now. I betrayed everyone. My brothers. My King. My girl... I promised to let her have this moment and I failed her. I swore that she would serve justice to the man who ruined her life. And I stuck an arrow through his heart.

I couldn't take it. The screams that came from him. I should not have shown him mercy but for a long time Mance had shown me mercy. Maybe it was the Stark blood in my veins that made me feel the need to do the honorable thing. Maybe it was because part of me wanted to feel power.

But none of that would have been the truth.

The truth of the matter is that I went to Mance before he was tied up on Alana's orders. Before she went and dropped flames onto him. I spoke with him and heard him out. He may not have used his seed to create that girl but he was her father. He loved her and he admitted it to me and in front of everyone that he still saw her as simply his daughter.

I wished someone would have shown my father mercy like that. Mance was a father and he was proud to be Alana's. What she was doing to him... Burning her Papa alive... Was wrong and it pained me deeply.

After I put that arrow through Mance's heart I went back to my chambers and slammed the door shut. I knew Alana would come after me. I knew Stannis would want my head. I knew the Free Folk would wish to put an arrow through me for putting one through Mance. But it was mercy. I couldn't take it.

He was a father who loved his daughter and would have done anything for her. Just as my father would have done anything and everything for each and every one of us. I felt rage in the pit of my stomach and sorrow for Mance all the same.

But he's dead now. Either way he would have been dead and become ash. I just sped up the process.

I hadn't even sat down at my desk yet before my door whipped open. I hadn't even turned around either. All I said with my back turned to the door was "Knocking before entering the chambers of the Lord Commander is customary-"

"Fuck you!" A once sweet voice had shot out at me. "Fuck you Jon Snow!"

My body could not shift fast enough. I was hardly stable on my feet before Alana came pounding on my chest. Punching me as tears fell from her eyes. "You ruined it! You ruined my revenge! This was for me and you stole it from me! You're just like him! I hate you-"

I wrapped my arms around her as she tried to wriggle free from my grasp. Muffled shouting of how much she hates me and wishes for me to be dead leaving her lips as she soon gave up and just sobbed. Allowing herself to hug onto me as her knees went weak and she fell to the floor. I kept her in my grasp and dropped to my knees with her. Rocking her strongly in my arms and running my hands through her long dark hair.

I hushed her ever so slightly and she looked up at me. Her face red and puffy with tears and eyes swollen as they continued to leak and stream down her cheeks. Those doe eyes of hers looked at me and I could see she did not hate me. No matter how badly she wanted too. She did not hate me.

She was grieving.

"Why?" Was all she said.

"He loves you." I replied softly. "Alana he loves you more than I could ever explain. I too wanted him to die. I wanted him to burn when I first spoke with Stannis. I wanted him to feel pain and I... I was wrong."

BLIZZARD: The Stolen Princess VOL 6 (JON SNOW X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now