The Decision of a Lifetime

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The Decision of a Lifetime

Jon's POV

All of my brother's gave me the cold shoulder for a bit of time. Until they wanted to know what happened with Lord Stannis and Mance Rayder. All of a sudden, I was the most interesting person in the world to them. Like I hadn't been caught between a rock and a hard place for so long. I enjoyed being free but only because Alana was free folk.

Finding out she's the Stolen Princess changed everything and nothing all at the same time. I sat in my new chambers, the Lord Commander's chambers, and pressed my fingers against the bridge of my nose, sucking in a deep breath as the letters and papers piled up on my desk. My ink and quill not able to move as there was not a single thought in my mind that had anything to do with the replies I had to send out.

I stared at the last letter that was sent by my brother Robb and then the one that came afterward. He died in battle in my father's honor. It was his own men who had betrayed him. Northmen who said they would fight with my brother to avenge my father and they put a knife to his heart.

All of his most loyal lost their lives along with him. Theon Greyjoy was put to the sword for being my brother's right hand in all his battles. They knew if he was alive, prisoner or not, he'd be a threat to them.

Reading those lines shattered my heart and soul as one. Two of my brothers, the two I was raised with, were completely gone. I remembered all the times we shot arrows together and went riding together. The breeze blowing against all our faces while we raced against once another to see who had the fastest of horses. Robb was always better than me at everything but Theon was worse than me. Unless it came to arrows, Theon never missed a shot.

Roose Bolton is the one who took the lives of both my brothers. I wanted him dead. I wanted revenge on him. I wanted him to taste his own blood and choke on it as I put my sword through his chest the way he did to my brother. I want to take his head while he's bleeding through his chest the way he took Theon's. I want him to pay for turning his back on the North.

It's been said in another letter that Robert Baratheon sent troops to capture Roose Bolton for his crimes but surely it could not be true. What troops would he have left? Stannis and his army have arrived here at Castle Black. Stark men and the last of the loyal Northmen have retreated to safety because their numbers are limited. He can't use Lannister men because they are fighting with Jaime Lannister to protect their precious Kingslayer. All that would be left is his younger brother Renly's army. If he even has one.

A knock came to the door and even though it was late, I allowed for the guest to enter. To my surprise it was Dolorous Edd and Samwell who came to speak with me. They bowed to me as I motioned for them to take a seat across from me, my desk the only thing between us. Edd looked exhausted, as did Sam. But they looked as though they had wanted to speak with me more than they had wanted to sleep.

"What brings you two handsome boys to my chambers on this chilling evening?" I said as I folded up the letters and placed them into a neat pile. Forcing myself to smile when in truth I felt nothing inside but anger and disgust. Grief and rage. I hated it.

Edd looked to Sam and Sam swallowed before he looked to me and his lips began to move. The words coming from his mouth were a stammer at first before he finally came to his senses and began to speak coherently to me.

"How long will the Wildlings be here, Jon? I'm only asking because Gilly is here and I don't wish for her to be banished. She has the baby and I-" He breathed out and paused. "It wouldn't be right to banish her if you've got your woman here."

BLIZZARD: The Stolen Princess VOL 6 (JON SNOW X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now