Chapter One

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I always thought that one day I will be with Jackson. Always thought that Me And Him will be together and happy and as I started getting older I realized that it was just a dream of mine and he will always see me as Zack's little sister.

Zack and Jackson have been best friends since the First grade they are always together they are Inseparable and they even play football and practice together they do everything together

But my dad always wanted my brother to play soccer because it's traditional to play soccer in Mexico, my mom and his family love football that's how Zack loves football.

I never thought of myself as pretty not like Amber I always told her she was beautiful but she always said "I'm not beautiful" I'm always hanging out with Amber but it's not always me and her sometimes Dylan is around Dylan is Amber's boyfriend I hate being the third wheel they are always kissing or being weird but they make a cute couple I wish I had a relationship like them.

"Athalia's mom said to come down for breakfast so we can go school" Zack knocked on the door

"I'm coming! "I said yelling at him,

Athalia went downstairs

"Good morning Mom Good morning Dad," Said Athalia cheerful

" Good morning sweetheart, " said Mrs and Mr Reyes

We hear a knock at the door

"I will get it," I said

I open the door and Athalia sees Jackson smiling at her

"He is so cute with his brown hair and brown eyes if anyone asks me to describe him I would because I love him he's..." In Athalia mind

"Hello Earth to Athalia" Waving his hand at Athalia"Are you, okay you just zoned out is Zack home," said, Jackson

"Yea Zack, Jackson here!!" said Athalia Yelling for Zack

"Hey Mrs. Reyes and Mr.Reyes," said Jackson to Athalia's parents

"Hey Jackson how's your dad," said Mr.Reyes

"Athalia are ready we are leaving," said Zack

"Bye Mom bye Dad," we both said

we get into Jackson's car and drive for 10 minutes

"we are here" Jackson laughing

"Why are you laughing," I said

"Look at Zack he's drooling like a baby"
Laughing Jackson

I Laughed too but I was just looking at him laughing and I just couldn't stop looking at him

"Zack wake up bro we are here" Jackson still laughing

"Why are you laughing at" Snapped Zack

"Chill bro it was just funny because you were drooling" Laughed Jackson

"Stop Laughing You too" Zack getting mad

"Okay fine we will stop I need to go to class," I said

I got out of the car and saw Amber and Dylan waking together

"Hey Amber, Dylan wait for me," I said yelling

"Hey girl missed you so much" Amber cheered

"But you saw me 2 days ago" Confused I was

"I know But for me, that was a long time," said Amber

"What's up little A" Dylan Giggied

Dylan always called me Little A and I always got annoyed by it but I got used to it

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