Chapter Nine

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The next morning I woke up and all I could think about is how I went to go see Jackson. I couldn't let Trevor know about it because then he will think something is going on between me and Jackson again. Which there isn't because I just went to go tell him to get off my ass. I lifted up from my pillow and looked at Trevor. But then I heard a big bang on my door and I got startled.

"Come in" I said hollering

"Hey, by the way there is going to be a party at Flynn's this weekend." Zack said peaking into my room

"Oh okay, thanks for letting me know" I said

"Is he really still sleeping" Zack said smiling

"Yup, he's sleeping beauty" I said laughing

We both started to laugh hard.

"I can hear you guys" Trevor said mumbling under the blankets

"Now you want to wake up" I said pulling the blankets off of him

"Really Athalia it's freezing" Trevor said

"Well i'm going to go so maybe think about it" Zack said leaving my room

"What is he talking about?" Trevor asked

"Oh, he just said there was going to be a party at Flynn's house but we don't have to go if you don't want to." I said

"It's a party Athalia there's no way we're gonna miss it" Trevor said

"Oh yeah I can't forget how much you like parties" I said smiling at him

I just kind of thought Trevor didn't want to go to this party because of what happened last time at the other party. I was so worried I was going to lose him. I'm so happy I got him back.

"Hey, we should go get some breakfast downstairs" I said getting up off the bed

"Yes please i'm starving" Trevor said getting off the bed too

We both went downstairs and went to the table. When we both got to the table I seen that Jackson was here too. I'm guessing my brother invited him over. I looked at him and I just gave him a half smile. We were all eating our breakfast until Trevor decided to say something.

"So Jackson don't you have your own family at your own house shouldn't you be eating breakfast there instead of here?" Trevor said staring at Jackson

"Trevor, really that's rude of you to say" Athalia said shoving Trevor's shoulder

"Last time I checked Trevor you also have a home too. So, why are you here?" Jackson asked crossing his arms

"That's enough both of you. If you guys want to fight then do so but not in my house. If so then you both can get out of my house" Athalia's dad said

"Okay, why don't everyone just calm down" Athalia's mom said

It was quite after. We all just ate in silence because if one of us opened our mouths then it probably wouldn't be good. After we were done eating me and Trevor went up to my room.

"Trevor what the fuck was that?" I said turning around from the door

"What?" Trevor asked like he didn't know what I was talking about

"Don't pretend you don't know what i'm talking about" I said

"Care to explain because I don't know" Trevor said

"Why did you go after Jackson like that" I said with my eyebrow raised

"Because he's a fucking asshole Athalia" Trevor said

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