Chapter Seven

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   There I was lying on the ground. I couldn't feel anything I was numbed but the type of numb you don't want to feel. I don't understand what I did to deserve this? I question myself this everyday.

I heard foot steps coming towards me.

"So, did you learn your lesson?" Trevor's uncle asked

I didn't say anything back I was in too much pain to even talk and move.

"BOY I'M TALKING TO YOU DAMMIT." Trevor's uncle said

"Y.. Yes." I said stuttering over my words

"See all you have to do it listen then you won't have to face any consequences." Trevor's uncle said

I looked at him and just nodded my head. I didn't want to be here anymore. I just want to go back home to Athalia and my friends.

[Athalia's point of view]

I couldn't bare what Trevor just said to me it was to much. I was really hurt with those words that came out of his mouth. I don't want to feel anything right now. And then it got to me if I drink then the pain will go away I wouldn't have to think of this anymore.

I got up from my bed and opened the door very slowly so no one can hear me coming out of my room. I walked down the stairs really quietly so no one can hear me. I walked into the kitchen. Then, walked over to the little room that was in the kitchen, it was my dad's little bar. I walked in and looked for the right alcohol I wanted. I finally founded the one that I wanted. So, I pick up the bottle and walked out the room quickly to my room. I was praying no one seen. I don't want to get caught stealing alcohol from my dad. I got up to my room and closed the door then locked it. I went to go sit on my bed and open up the alcohol. I just looked at the bottle before I drank it. I knew I shouldn't be doing this but this is the only that will keep me distracted.

"I don't want to feel anything anymore." I said to myself

Without anything hesitation after that I took the biggest gulp. I made a weird face the alcohol was too strong. Also, it was my first time trying alcohol. I just kept drinking until I couldn't feel the pain anymore. I started to play loud music.

(Hours later)

Then, there I was laying on the ground just thinking of him. See there's the thing I didn't want to think about him or anything I just wanted it all to go away. But it didn't it was all in my head. Then, I heard a knock from my door.

"Oh, come in." I said with a wasted voice

I seen Amber peak her head in.

"Why are you playing loud music right now?" Amber asked

"What are you doing here?" I said giggling ignoring her question

  "Are you drunk Athalia?" Amber asked

"Oh, no don't be silly." I said

   She pasted herself up to me and smelt me.

"God, Athalia you reek of alcohol." Amber said with a disappointment on her face

  "What's wrong Athalia? Why are you drinking?" Amber asked me

I didn't want to tell her that Trevor called. He told me not to tell anyone. But why do I care he's the one that has me like this.

"Trevor called me earlier." I blurted out

"Wait what? He called you Athalia? Why didn't you tell anyone?" Amber asked

  "Well my brother did hear me throwing sh*t in my room. But when he came in I just told him I was upset about everything that is going on." I said

  "I know Athalia you're going through a lot right now but you can't be drinking it's just going to make you go down a wrong path." Amber said putting her hand on my shoulder

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