Chapter Eight

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   The next morning I woke up to the worst hang over ever. My body was aching so bad and it felt like someone just took a frying pan to my head. I got up from my head and I got really dizzy. When I was standing there I could feel like I was going to puke. I ran to the bathroom and went straight to the toilet. I started to vomit, my eyes got very watery from puking. I heard someone from my room open my door.

"Athalia?" Amber said calling out to find me

"I'm in here" I said shouting from the bathroom

She walked into the bathroom she seen me on the bathroom ground by the toilet.

"Oh, Athalia." Amber said in a sweet voice

"Please don't ever let me drink again." I said

"Well this is the consequences for drinking." Amber said

"So, how bad was I last night." I said sighing

Amber stayed silent she didn't say anything.

"Amber?" I said really concerned

"Athalia I think you need to go talk to Trevor." Amber said

"Wait what why? I asked

"Just go talk to him." Amber said

I was scared that I fucked up something good. Why would Amber tell me to go talk to Trevor.

"Do you know where he is right now?" I asked

"He stayed in Dylan's room." Amber said

"Okay. Thank you Amber." I said walking towards the door

"Your welcome" Amber said

While I started to walk towards Dylan's room Flynn came up to me.

"Dude, what you said last night was crazy and fucked up." Flynn said laughing

"Flynn, what the hell." Zack said

"Wait what did I say last night?" I asked

"Well you like blew your relationship up either way Trevor. You told him that you and Jackson almost kissed him, oh and also you told him that you loved him." Flynn said

I didn't say anything I was in shocked. I was so mad at myself. What the hell did I do?

"I need to go" I said walking away really fast to Dylan's room

When I got to Dylan's room I Knocked really hard. I heard footsteps coming to the door. When the door opened I was hoping it was Trevor that answered but it was Dylan.

"Uh, Athalia I don't think it's a good time." Dylan said looking behind the door

"Is Trevor in there?" I asked

"Athalia he needs time right now." Dylan said

"Dylan please I need to talk to him." I said begging him

"It's okay Dylan. Let her in" Trevor said from behind the door

Dylan opened the door and I seen Trevor sitting on the bed.

"I'll let you guys talk." Dylan said leaving his room

I walked over to Trevor. I looked at him and he didn't even look back at me.

"Trevor?" I said

"What do you want Athalia?" Trevor said in an annoyed tone

"Can we talk? Please." I asked

"I don't think there's anything to talk about." Trevor said

"But there is, will you please just let me explain myself." I said

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