Chapter six

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I opened my door and went out of my room to go check where Trevor could be. I checked the bathroom, the living room, my parent's room, the guest rooms and last but not least my brother's room.

"Zack" I said barging through his room

"Athalia you don't like it when I go barging through your room so don't do it to me." Zack said

"I could give a rats ass about that. Have you seen Trevor?" I said

"What do you mean, is he not with you?" Zack said

"I told him I was going to hop in and take a quick shower but when I came back he wasn't in my room" I said breathing heavily

"It's going to be okay Athalia. He probably went to the store or Dylan's house." Zack said

"But wouldn't he at least text me that he went out real quick?" I said

"Athalia just give it time. You should get some rest we'll worry about this in the morning" Zack said

"yeah okay, Goodnight Zack" I said

"Goodnight little sis" Zack said

I closed Zack's door and walked to my room. Maybe Zack's right I should just not overthink it he probably did go to the store or Dylan's house. So i'm not really thinking too much of it now.

(Two hours later)

I've been watching tv and scrolling through my phone to keep me occupied from Trevor being gone. I just looked at the time and he's been gone for about three hours later maybe even longer because I don't know how long he's been gone since I got in the shower. Now I started to Freak out it was one in the morning and Trevor still isn't back. I really just want to know why he left, like did I do something wrong? I picked up my phone and started to call Trevor. Then after that he has like about 10 missed calls from me already. I called again and his phone just kept going straight to voicemail after that. I sent so many voicemails to him. I was just really worried something bad has happen to him. I didn't really think until now to call Dylan. It's very late I really didn't want to call but i'm so worried about him. So I started to call Dylan.

"Hello?" Dylan said in a sleepy voice

"Dylan i'm really sorry to bother you, right now but is Trevor there with you?" I asked

"I'm sorry Athalia, he's not." Dylan said

"I'm sorry again for waking you up." I said

"Don't be sorry Athalia you can always call me even if it's at one in the morning" Dylan said

"Thank you. I'll just go to sleep and see if he calls me back." I said

"Me and Amber will come in the morning to your house. Sleep well Athalia, Goodnight." Dylan said

"Goodnight Dylan" I said

So I put my phone down and got into the bed. I was just going to wait until the morning to see what happens. I started to close my eyes.

(The Next Morning)
I started to open my eyes and look around the room. I shot myself up so fast and ran out of my room and ran down the stairs. I went to go see if Trevor was anywhere. I ran past Amber, Dylan and my brother not even noticing that they were here. I was just so worried about Trevor my whole mind is on him right now.

"ATHALIA" Amber said

"Oh, hey Amber" I said rushing my words

"Athalia, Are you okay?" Amber said

"Yes of course i'm okay why wouldn't I be" I said

"Well first is because you ran through your whole house with no explanation and second Dylan told me you called him at one in the morning worry about Trevor." Amber said

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