Chapter Five

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(The next morning)


I woke up to sound of zack shouting through my door.

"What do you want?" I Groaned

Zack barged into my room not even asking for my permission to come in.

"Oh yeah just come right in." I said sarcastically

"You're still in the bed. You realize what time it is?" Zack said

I just stared at him in did not feel like saying anything at this moment i was so tired all i did was want to go back to sleep.

"You better be ready in 15 minutes or i'm not taking you to school you can find your own way" Zack said

"Okay, you can leave now" I said rolling my eyes

And from there i started getting ready.

    (At school)

When I arrived at school I went to head off to my locker to go meet up with Amber and Dylan.

"Hey Amber, where's Dylan?" I said

"Oh, he stayed with Trevor at the hospital. You know he gets out tonight right?" Amber said

"Who?" I said

"Trevor, who else?" Amber said

"Are you okay" Amber said

"Who, me? Yes i'm good." I said

Amber gave that look when she knows something is wrong.

"Look i'm just very overwhelmed with like Trevor being in hospital i'm just glad he's getting out today." I said

I looked up at the time i only had one minute to get to class.

"I have to get to class. I will see you after this class." I said

"Have fun with Mr. Willams." Amber said sarcastically

"Hahaha very funny" I said

I was like five minutes late to that class. When I walked in everybody stared at me. See i hate being the center of attention so my face got really red.

"Cared to explain why you late Ms.Reyes?" Mr.Williams said

I didn't know what to say. I never have this problem because i'm never late. So i just said the first thing that came to mind.

"My locker got stuck it took me a while to get it open." I said

"Mhm, Alright go find your seat Ms.Reyes" Mr.Williams said

When I went to go sit down i could feel someone's eyes on me. I looked across the room, it was Jackson. My eyes locked with his. I noticed what i was doing so i looked away so quickly. I couldn't help but to look back at him.

"Ms.Reyes and Mr.Hills would you both like so stare at each other all day or do your work?" Mr. Williams said

My face got blood shot red. Everyone started to laugh and giggle.

"Alright get back to work everybody" Mr.Williams said

Time has passed and it's been almost the end of school. I was walking to my locker but then i felt a hand touch me and pulled me into a random empty classroom.

I was struggling to get out of their arms. I was trying to see who it was. I pushed the person off of me.

"Get off of me" I said

When i turned around the person happened to be Jackson.

"It's just me" Jackson said

"Are you kidding me i thought i was getting kidnapped Jackson" I yelled at him

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