Chapter Four

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"What did you find out about Trevor's parents," said Zack

"Well I haven't found a name yet but I found out that Trevor's Dad has been in jail for abuse," said Nicole

"Maybe that's why yesterday Trevor had a black eye and busted lip because his dad probably hit him," said Jackson

"Poor guys we have to tell Athalia about this," said Zack

"NO," said Jackson screamed "Sorry, We can't tell Athalia she is already dealing with Trevor in the hospital and I don't want to worry her right now," said Jackson

"We have to tell her what Trevor has been going through," said Zack

"But I will try to find his mother," said Nicole

Athalia and Amber came and ran up the halls

"where have you been mom called and told me you weren't in first period," said Zack

"Sorry Me and Amber went to the hospital to see Trevor but Dylan because he was scared to leave him alone there," said Athalia

"Why?" said Nicole

"What are you doing here this is our group met who let you in the group," I said

"Athalia remember she is the reason Trevor is okay," said Jackson

"Yeah anyway Nicole found something," said Zack

"Yeah is too," said Amber

"Okay so I found that Trevor dad had been to jail a few times because he was abusive to his partners that's why they move a lot and I couldn't find their mom's name but I will keep trying," said Nicole

Athalia jealously rolled her eyes

"Dylan said that last night Travis and his dad tried to release him even when the nurse told him that he was not doing good and he said that he always acts just for attention then Dylan said that He what about Travis and Dylan told him that if he ever saw him lay a hand on Trevor he would call the cop and he threatened Dylan that he would kill him and I scared he can hurt Dylan" said Amber

"It will be okay Amber we promise we will keep him safe," said Zack

"Did you hear about The Armstrongs?" said random girl

"Ashley what are you doing now," said Jackson

"What happened," said Nicole

"People said that they were coming to live with her because they found out that the wife had kids," said Ashley

"And Why would people care" said Zack

"Because Their son Fylnn is so hot and people say
He throws the best parties," said Ashley

"Well I guess we are people A lot right Jackson," said Zack

"How can you think about partying when Trevor is at the hospital" I said angrily

"She's right Zack," said Jackson

"Okay and I want to party and I will live my life i'm not going to stop my life just because your little boyfriend is sick," said Zack

"You're a selfish little twat Zack you only think about yourself," I said angrily

"Stop being a Fucking brat Athalia," said Zack

"Im being the brat by being a good person?" I said

"A good person, when we all know that you still have a thing for Jackson." said Zack

I saw Jackson when he said I got quiet and just ran off. I didn't know what to do at the same time Zack was right I couldn't forget him but I the same time I liked Trevor but loved Jackson

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