Toxic in law - female navi

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Out of all your mates parents the one you dumped heads with the most and who hated you with a passion was Tsu'tey mother. She didn't like you and thought you were leading her son down an bad path she had wish Tsu'tey, mated with another women verse you. She didn't like your family background as you were raised by your father and grandmother, she didn't think that was a proper upbringing for a navi women. She hated the idea that you were so close with the demon aka jake and wish for his down fall.

Y/n " ....." you were that home weaving a new curtain flaps for the home when Lo'ak came storming into the home and he was mad about something.

Y/n " Lo'ak" Lo'ak and went into his room he shared with his brother and didn't say anything else you soon, were about to get up and go after him when kiri came into the room and she was mad.

Y/n " kiri" kiri didn't say anything as she went into the room she shared with her baby sister Tuk now you were more confused then before, soon Tuk came into the room she seemed to be looking for her older siblings.

Y/n " Tuk honey what happene"

Tuk " it was grandmother artust she said something to us"

Y/n " tell me what happened" soon Tuk had walked closer to you and soon whispered what, happens and you become enraged about what you were told.

Y/n " sweetheart stay here mama got to deal with something" you soon stormed out of the home mad and on the hunt for artust.

Y/n " artust we need or talk now".

Artust " what do you want"

Y/n " I need to have a talk about respect toward my kids"

Artust " oh you mean those two demon children"

Y/n " don't speak of my kids like that your awful women"

Artust " if you don't remember I'm your mate mother I have more power over him then you "

Y/n " yes you are such a good mother that your husband barley speaks his mind, and your youngest son moved out and far away from you"

Artust " you foolish girl at least my sons and your mates had a mother your dead, she was to weak to be mother and now you have given birth to half breed children"

Artust " the only kids that are worthy on taking one neytiro and Tsu'tey family names are neteyam and eoi ... don't get me started on the girl of your she like her mother a complete fool and failure"

Y/n " ......."

Artust " Tsu'tey and neytiri should do left when hi gave birth to fist demon child that freak show of a daughter, and then the boy name along are we sure the are my son or neytiro kid .. or they belong to the false hero you call a mate"

Y/n " ......."

Artust " they are not the only demon kids here since we made peace with the remain demons , here who have bodies like our more of these demon kids roam around our clan .... Ruining our clan history and image as demon lover and hybrids all of these kids will never one of the people never" before artust could say anything else hissed at her loud getting everyone attention who was watching .

??? " mom don't" you were about to fight artust right now when neteyam and eoi got in your way.

Eoi " she not worth it mom she bitter and rude"

Artust " you boys should show me respect I'm ..."

Neteyam " you are noting to us and never will be after today"

Tsutey " ma y/n"

Y/n " I'm going home our other three children need me" you didn't have to say anything else as you walked away tears filling your eyes, and pain in your tone. Your sons had ran after you giving cold glare at artust,

Loak " mom is everything okay we heard you yelling" you didn't say anything as you fallen to your knees crying in your home, the kids had ran to you and hugged you.

Tuk " it okay mommy dad say hugs make everything better"

Y/n " thanks sweetie" Your mates had return home that night the whole clan was quite, as half  families had become enraged toward artust words.

???? " what do you mean nothing can be done"

???? " she and her husband are well known in the clan, and some agree with her"

??? " she insult the kids she insults our wife"

Y/n " ........"

??? " my mother will deal with her Jake" soon three males had entered the home to see you, right away they knew you heard everything.

Tsutey " ma y/n"

Y/n "'your dinner is still warm i going to bed" you soon got up and walks for master bedroom, that what Jake calls it.

Neytiro " love you please wait"

Y/n " we will talk in the morning i will be also on my own tonight"

Tsutey " wait y/n please hear ...."

Jake " brother don't"

Y/n " kids go to bed" Tsu'tey and Neytrio soon noticed their kids were listening, loak and Kiri had given hurt looks before disappearing into their rooms followed by their other siblings. That night no one went off to bed happy in the family or clan.

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