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MJ, Ned, and I found Peter sitting at the rooftop of the school.

We all came up behind him and he sensed it by the way he turned to us.

"Oh Peter" I said as I couldnt help but feel bad.

I came up to him and hugged him and the others followed.

"Im so sorry Peter." Me and Mj both said.

"Its all my fault." Peter said crying on my shoulder as i rubbed his back.

I couldnt help but cry.
I felt my tears flowing.

"Its not your fault Pete." I said crying even more about May.

May felt like a mother to me.
She would always welcome me to their home.
God I remember when shed make that meatloaf.
Both me and Peter thought it was bad but never said anything just so we couldnt hurt Mays feelings because we loved her so much.

"Im so sorry Pete." I said once again crying.

After a few seconds, Peter seemed to sense them and MJ spoke up, "Peter theres some people here."

We all started to stand and Peter saying "What?" as we did.

All of a sudden Peter started grunting as he stood up and started to become defensive.

He saw Other Peter and The Old Peter were up at the top crouching.

"Oh wait wait woah!" Peter said as they both came down to us.

The two other Peters tried to motion that they werent bad guys,

The old Peter said, "Im sorry about May." The other Peter spoke too saying, "Yeah, sorry."

He continued to say, "Ive got some understanding." But before he could continue, Peter said, "No no please dont tell me that you know what im going through."
He replied, "Okay" Sighing.

Peter continued to say, "Shes gone. Its all my fault. She died for nothing."

I couldnt help but let a tear out once again.

It pained me to see Peter like this.

He continued by saying, "So I im gonna do what I shouldve done in the first place." as he tried to grab the box from MJ but MJ pushed it away from his hand, preventing him from grabbing it.

"Peter.." The Old Peter said trying to help.
"Please dont, you dont belong here, so im sending you guys home. Those other guys are from your worlds right? So you deal with it. If they die or you kill them. Its on you." Peter said.
He ended it with, "Its not my problem. I dont care anymore. Im done."

I noticed other Peter not trying to bother to convince Peter as he just sighed and scoffed a little.

"Look im really sorry I dragged you into this, but you have to go home now. Goodluck." He said as he tried to get the box once again but MJ pushed it away.
She motioned with her eyes to hear them out

"Peter. Just hear them out, please?" I said giving a little worried look to Peter.

"Please." MJ said. As Peter looked at both of us. Before he could say anything,

The old Peter said, "My uncle ben was killed, it was my fault." Which made Peter soften his eyes.

"I lost, I lost Gwen, My um MJ. I couldnt save her... Im never going to be able to forgive myself for that. But I carried on, I tried to keep going, tried to keep going to be that friendly neighborhood spiderman because I know thats what she would have wanted but some point I stopped pulling my punches." The other Peter said,

I couldnt help but feel bad with the way he looked when he said that. I could tell he was really hurt by it.

When Peter heard he looked at me worried as I just slightly frowne

He continued on by saying, "I got rageful, I got bitter. I just dont want you..to end up like me."

The Older Peter spoke up saying, "The night Ben died, I hunted the man who I thought did it. I wanted him dead. I got what I wanted. It didnt make it better. Took me a long time to learn to get throught that darkness."

Peter replied, "I wanna kill him, I wanna tear him apart." As he was saying that I could notice he was so hurt by Mays passing and that hurt me too.

"I could still hear a voice in my head. Even after she was hurt she said to me that we did the right thing. She told me with great power.." But before Peter could finish his sentence,

The older Peter said, "comes great responsibility."

The two other Peters suddenly looked at eachother noticing that this was a pattern,

Were they meant to die for a reason?

"Wait how do you know that??" Peter said looking shocked.

"Uncle ben said it."
"The day he died."

Peter seemed to be speechless like the rest of us, The older peter continued, "Maybe she didnt die for nothing Peter."

If the multiverse is real, than does that mean everything big that happens to us is suppose to happen?

Is me dying in my dreams, did that?
Actually happen?
What if the other Peter experienced that?
Im supposed to die.
Im supposed to die falling?
Theres no way.
Maybe its just a dream.

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