Chapter Eight

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"Fuck you, yes you."

"Fuck you Siane." I rolled my eyes at Nick for like the hundredth time today and it's not even noon yet! Gotta save some for later before my eyeballs suddenly roll out of my head. I shuddered at the thought. I definitely don't want that to happen.

"Chill out Nick." I patted his head and he slapped my hand away. "At least I know now that you cared and thank you for that." I smiled at him.

"Fuck you." Nice.

I sighed and walked over next to Justin and plopped on the couch beside him.

"You know Siane." I looked at him "You really scared" I sighed. Is it really that scary? Or wrong? And I asked him just that.

"It was a good prank. Hell, it's a great prank. Too great to be true." I re-positioned myself and just decided to lay on my back and now my head is on his lap. I chuckled at him but then frowned.

"Nick's mad at me." I pouted. "Is it really that real?"

"It's like surreal. How the hell did you manage to do that in just a short amount of time? Did you had any help or something?" I shook my head.

"No, I planned it on my own. I just quickly grabbed a bottle of ketchup, a red food colour, a bowl and then I just mixed it water." I took a deep breath "I, then poured all of my cologne in there to make sure you won't smell the ketchup and voilà. Best prank ever."

"I knew your room smells too good to be true too." And I just laughed.

"You know Siane." I stopped playing with my fingers and looked up at him. I replied with a small 'hmm'. I still can't believe he knows my name. "I never really saw you with your hair down."

I scrunched up my nose. "It's long and I decided to just tie it every time and I like I dared myself not to lay it down my's complicated." I chuckled and stood up.

"No, come and lay down on my lap again." I blushed but then I quickly stood up and shook my head.

"Why not?" He pouted. Oh my fucking gosh stop being so fucking cute. I pinched his cheeks and he scrunched up his nose.

"Oh, you're so cute." He laughed and I patted his cheek to slap the get pain away. Wait what?

"Well Drew, I gotta get ready and I don't want to do this but I need to hire a cleaner or someone to clean the mess I made."

"That was sure a bloody mess."

"It sure is." I chuckled.

A while ago...

I can feel someone looking at my bloody body. Oh gosh I can slightly smell the ketchup. Someone touched my face, rubbed my cheek and whispered. His hand is so big and so warm. I love the feeling of it.

"How can this happen?" Someone whispered.

"Justin?!" Nick shouted. I can hear his footsteps getting closer and also I can feel the sun in my face. Ugh, get away sunlight. "What the fuck?" Someone else said. Ryan maybe? I wanted to see who it was, but a little more fun. Just a little bit more.

"Where is s-Oh my God." The horror in Nick's voice almost made me burst out laughing and I fucking manage to break out a small smile. One, two, three.....nothing. They didn't noticed it. Fucking genius.

"How could this happen Justin?" So Justin's the one holding me. "We were and her. Yesterday w-we were just ha-hanging out to-together and you just m-met her." Awww, Nick is about to cry. Maybe I should stop this now.

I started "coughing" and I can feel they're looking at me. A horrified look. I can feel it. Mwahahahahaha

"Siane?!" Justin rubbed my "bloodstained" cheek and I slowly opened my eyes. "Get some help! Call 911! the police!" What the fuck? Shit!

"Don't" I said. "No need for that." Justin shook his head.

"Oh my God. What time did this happen? Last night? I wish I could go back in time and stayed with her. Fuck. No, she called me a while ago. But what if that just a recording. Fuck, fuck." Nick rasped.

"It's...." I said.

"No, no, no. Shhhh. Just don't talk and keep your eyes on me. And stay awake." I wanted to laugh so badly, but just a bit more fun. "Nick shut the fuck up. Ryan!" Justin's almost shouting at my face.

"Don't call anyone Ryan." I shook my head and coughed. "There's really no need for that." I'm so evil.

"Look here." I pointed to my "wound". Ryan and Nick quickly went by my side. Wow, I'm surrounded by boys.

"Does it look real?" I asked them.

"What the fuck Siane? Just please, please don't talk. I'm calling the police right now!" Nick looks like in panic. I'm stopping right now this is too much.

"How is my acting guys?"

"What?" They all said in unison.

"How is my acting? You know does it look like it's real?" I didn't move from my miserable spot.

"Wait what?" Ryan asked in disbelief. I smiled and then I busted out laughing. I'm hysterical. Like HAHAHAHAHAHAHA laughing. I'm rolling on the floor. I'm ROFL-ing!

"Fuck you Siane!" Nick shouted at me. I still continued laughing.

"That's not funny Siane." Ryan said while he has his hands in his head. "Not funny at all." He shook his head.

"You guys really thought I was dead?!" I barely said through my laugh.

"It would take more than that to kill me and besides I can take care of myself. I'm not an easy target." I smirked.

"You are one brain fucker Siane......fuck you." Nick gave me his middle finger and I gladly accepted and blew him a kiss.

I stopped laughing and soon after we all started laughing. I sat up and Justin held out his hand for me and I accepted it.

"Thank you." I smiled at him.

"You're good at this." Ryan said while chuckling. I shrugged and said

"What can I say I learned from the best."

"Fuck you Siane." I rolled my eyes while crossing my arms.

Present time

"You're good. Next time I'll call you when I want to prank Scooter." He chuckled. "Maybe use the same plan." I shook my head.

"Are you crazy? He'll literally kill you. No, we'll think of something better Mr. Bieber."

He smiled and looked at me. "Yeah....we." 

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