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i'm so so badly sick today (and have been for nearly a week now) so this is what inspired me to write this chap, enjoyyy

also very sorry for not uploading yesterday

You coughed, curling up into a ball as you sniffled the snot back up your nose. You were so tired and dizzy, you've been sick since yesterday but it got worse today and you absolutely hated life. You were trying to get warm in your bed, as you had a bad fever. You pulled the duvet tightly over you, clenching it around you as you curled up into a ball, laying on your side as you shivered. You wanted to sleep, but your entire mouth felt so dry and you were sweating like crazy even though you're freezing. You were dehydrated and tired, so nauseous you couldn't even eat, the thought of food made you feel sick.

You heard the door open, as footsteps approached your bed and you felt the weight of someone sit down onto your bed. You groaned, as you felt the person pull down the duvet from your face and place a kiss onto your forehead. "Mmmm..." you groaned again, slowly blinking your eyes open to see Bill plant another kiss onto your cheek. You quickly pulled the blanket back up to cover your face, "don't kiss me you'll get sick too!" you warned. "Shh, it doesn't matter." he smiled, placing a bowl of cereal down onto the bedside table along with a tablet to make you feel better. as he pulled the covers down and climbed on top of you, laying his head down onto your chest.



"Don'ttttt!" you whined, attempting to push him off of you but he wouldn't budge, allowing his body to sink into yours. You sighed, giving up as you knew no matter how much you tried he's too stubborn to listen to you and get away from your bed. You raked your hands through his hair, as your fingers massaged his scalp, his eyes closing at the therapeutic feeling whilst his black locks with a few white streaks moved through between the gaps of your fingers. His body was so warm you loved it and wanted to pull him as close you can and hold him as tight as you could.

"Eat your food love." Bill said, as he rolled over to lay next to you and you sat up, groaning whilst reaching over for the bowl as you set it down in your lap. He placed his hand underneath your shirt and began rubbing your bare back, goosebumps rose from your body at his cold hand glided over your skin. He gave you a kiss on the temple as your hand trembled when you brought the spoon filled with cereal up to your lips. "Don't forget the medicine, and after I'm giving you a warm bath." Bill added. "Bill, you don't have to do all that." you reassured. "I want to." he responded, as you hesitated to eat the cereal but forced yourself to do so anyway.

You sniffled again, as Bill reached into the pocket of his sweatpants and pulled out a tissue, "here, blow your nose." he told you. You took the tissue off his hand and began blowing your nose, as you folded the tissue and slid it into your pocket before you returned back to eating your cereal.

You gagged, eating in your state felt terrible but you had to have something in your body in order to take your meds or else you wouldn't feel any better. You slowly crunched on the cereal, a disgusted look on your face as Bill laughed at your expression. "Is it that bad?" Bill tilted his head, "it's not the cereal, I would've eaten this in a second." you replied. You struggled to swallow the food, feeling the grains of cereal move down your throat was so gross and disturbing.

After you finished, you took the tablet and drank some water to help swallow the pill. You were pretty dehydrated, your mouth and throat so dry the feeling of water running down your mouth and into your throat was refreshing, as you brought the glass back up to your lips again and drank some more before setting it down onto the bedside table next to the empty bowl. "Feeling better?" his hand proceeded to rub your back. "A little." you replied.

He rolled over you, hopping off the bed as he took a hold of your hands and guided you into the bathroom of your bedroom. He flicked the light on, the bright lights from above made your head ache as you squinted your eyes, the light bulb glaring back at you.

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