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"Hallooo, du stehst in meiner Türrr..." Bill Kaulitz arrived onto the stage, coming into view of the bright lights as he was revealed to the crowd. Everyone immediately began going crazy, and so did you.

"Es ist sonst niemand hierrr, außer dir und mirr... Ok, komm doch erstmal reinnn...." he sang, as everyone joined along with the lyrics. You were so astonished by his beauty, how surreal it was to hear his voice and see him right in front of you. Your mouth agaped, wide open as you watched him sing and dance on stage. You were right up to the front of the stage, so you got the best view of him, of Bill Kaulitz. You didn't regret a single cent you spent on your tickets, and neither did your friend Lucy.

"Willkommen im hotel!" he shouted, as everyone yelled over him. "Wir wollten nur redenn! Und jetzt liegst du hierrr!" he walked closer to the direction of you, as you looked up at him. You screamed your lungs out, waving your hands in the air and screaming out the lyrics just to get him to atleast look at you.  "Und ich leig' daneben, reden! Redennn!" he stared down at you, as you locked eye conact and you swear you could feel your heart jump right out of your chest.

Your heart was beating so fast, your feet practically lifting off the ground as if you were floating, your cheeks felt warm and you felt so much static and ecstasy at the eye contact held between the two of you. You didn't know if you were just delusional, or if there was real tension between you and Bill. You felt something spark and light up inside of you like a firework when the two of you stared at eachother for such a brief yet memorable moment. It all happened so fast, and as soon as he turned away, you were brought back to reality. You're just another girl in the crowd, and he probably wasn't going as crazy as you over that short eye contact.

"Ich hör' dir zu, seh' dein Gesichttttt! Deine Lippen, öffnen sichhhh..." he walked across the stage, the lights following his movement as you took in the loud music, how amazing the song was and how beautifully his lips dragged out the lyrics, how perfectly the words rolled out along his tongue. This was your favourite song too, so hearing it was so incredible, hearing your all-time celebrity crush sing your favourite song, out of your favourite album, you couldn't be any happier.

"Wir wollten nur reden! Und jetzt liegst du hierrr..." everyone shouted along with him, but you only wished to hear his voice. "Und ich lieg' daneben, redennn, redennnn!" he began heading back to your direction, and your heart skipped a beat when you realised. You clung onto Lucy's arm excitedly, "he's coming over here againnnn!" you excitedly sang, as Lucy shrieked, the two of you watching him approach you.

"BILL I LOVE YOU!" you screamed at the top of your lungs, as you held your hand out to him and what happened next you would never EVER in a million years be prepared for.

He took a hold of your hand, bending over to you as you locked eyes once again, his dark deep eyes piercing into yours. Your mouth fell open, your heart felt like it just stopped beating and you felt light headed, as if you were about to faint. Your cheeks probably so bright and pink that he could see. You got a good view of his face, noticing every detail of it. His delicate soft feminine features that you admired, his makeup that went with his face perfectly...

You didn't know if you wanted him or wanted to look like him.

"Vor der Tür Alarmmm! Die ganze Welt ruft annn!" he sang whilst still holding onto your hand, as you squeezed it tightly and pulled him closer towards you, your faces just a few inches away from eachother you could almost lean in for a kiss, as Lucy watched the two of you eye-fuck eachother, flabbergasted. "Alle zerren an mirrr..." he sang whilst staring at you, almost like the lyrics were aimed at you.

"Ich will mit keiner außer dirrrr!" he moaned out the last word, making you literally feel like you were about to die. He didn't break the eye contact, looking and singing directly to you. His hand unfortunately glided away from yours, as you let him go, feeling his warmth climb away from yours as you watched him skip away to the centre of the stage, where he placed his microphone back onto the stand and began singing.

"Reden... Redennnnnn!" he sang out, as he proceeded to sing the next lyrics.

You were frozen, in so much shock your heart popping in your chest and doing cartwheels as you just stared into space, trying to recover. You slowly turned and looked at Lucy, who had the same shocked expression on her face.

"Was that real? Am I dreaming?" you asked her, as she was too shocked to respond to you. "He held my hand... And sang whilst staring into my eyes...." you stared down at your hand. "I'm never washing my hand ever again." you said.


"Hi Tom." you smiled, "hi." he looked up at you then back down at the poster he was signing, as you held it up for him. He quickly scribbled his signature onto it, before moving onto the next girl. "Lucyyy, look it's Georggg..." you teased, nudging her with your elbow as she began to grin widely, shrieking and shaking with excitement.

"Hi." she said to him, "hi." he looked up at her eyes, her face visibly pink as he began to sign her poster. You giggled at her reaction, before he approached you. "Hi Georg." you greeted him, "hi." he quickly responded, as he signed your poster and walked away to the girl next to you.

And then, your heart fluttered at the sight of Bill.


You wondered if he'd remembed you, if he was thinking about what happened as much as you, you wondered why he chose you out of every girl in that crowd.

He signed Lucy's poster, before approaching you and looking up into your eyes, his dark black eyes staring intensely into yours sent butterflies in your stomach down to your... Well, you know what.

"Oh you're the pretty girl I held hands with whilst singing Reden, right?" he smiled, as a smile grew on your face. "Uhm, yes..." you nervously replied, your cheeks flushing into a pink. You were so surprised that he remembered, even more surprised at the fact that he literally called you pretty, that that's what he remembers you as, the 'pretty' girl.

"Oh, you are so much more beautiful when I see you up close." he flirted, as your mouth dropped open. "I— Uhm—" you were so flustered you couldn't spit out a reply, he laughed at your reaction. "Oh you're so cute." his thumb quickly rubbed your cheek, before he began signing your poster. You stared with widened eyes, watching his sharpie trace your poster before he walked away.

"Did you see that?" you turned to Lucy. "Oh I saw that, alright..." Lucy smiled. Your hand slapped over your mouth.

You turned the poster over, looking at what he wrote on it to see his signature, and then a little extra message...

"you are the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on." he wrote, along with his number next to the message.

" call me liebe :) "


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