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After the eye contact that felt for forever. I walked back inside to my room. They will be done at the podium in a few minutes, Grey and my father will come back. And we will be on our way home.

But the think that I thought would happen, happened. There was a knock on my door. I'm sure it isn't Grey or my father, because they wouldn't knock. They would just walk in and order me to do things or go with them.

And with my mind on the person that is behind that door, I stand up and walk over to the door. I put my hand over the door handle, I immediately get nervous and wanted to back out again, but I can't keep ignoring him, I can't keep avoiding him.

So, I take a deep breath and open the door to the boy I've been ignoring for three days.

''Charles'' I breath out. I don't really know what to say to someone you've been ignoring without making it awkward. He looks me up and down, and without saying anything he walks past me into my room. I close the door and turn around and stand still, I dare not take one step.

''I don't get it'' He starts and turns around to look at me. His eyes look disappointed. And the guild I feel in the pit of my stomach just keeps getting bigger. So, I don't say anything, too afraid to say the wrong thing at the wrong time.

''I don't get it, things were going okay, right? Or was it just me. I ask you on a date, you say yes and then you start to ignore me. Did I do something wrong?'' He sounds so sensitive.

And here I am, a girl who can't show anyone her emotions, without telling someone how she feels, which I don't either, because I'm not good at that. ''do you have anything to say'' He's getting frustrated.

Maybe if I just don't say anything he will walk away, and I can feel bad about what I did. But I can feel bad about what I did, alone.

''Please Casandra'' there's the desperation again. I let out a sigh, where I can't let anyone in because I'm afraid I will get hurt, I'm hurting him.

''I- I am sorry'' is all that got out. And from the look on his face, that was not what he wanted to hear.

''I can't tell you what you want to hear, you know that'' I whisper.

'' What is holding you back'' he asks. I let out a sigh and rub my face with my hands. I don't know how to answer him, I can't tell him the truth.

''What did you do with your hand?'' He asks and takes a step forward. He takes my hand in his, but I pull away quickly. Not because I don't want him to hold my hand, but because it still hurts.

''Nothing, I'm fine'' I say, maybe a little to quick. He raises his eyebrow, telling me that he is not believing a word that I'm saying. And if nothing has changed, he will leave it at this. He won't ask anymore questions. But of course, my prayers weren't heard.

''Cass, what happened to your hand.'' He asks me.

I close my eyes. '' I fell and landed on my hand and broke two fingers.'' I say. I'm not completely lying to him now. I did fall, I did land on my hand unfortunately. '' it will be fine, only will take six weeks to heel.'' I let out a little laugh to lighten the mood.

But it didn't work. He takes another step towards me, almost touching me. I let out a shakey breath. He grabs my hand again, and this time I let him. He is careful not to hurt me. He brings my hand to his lips and slowly kisses the two fingers that are broken. And for some sort of reason the tears are burning in my eyes. But as I said before, I can't show anyone my emotions, it won't do anyone any good.

I have two scenarios going on in my head. One: I tell him everything and I mean everything. Who I am what I do. That he will probably figure out when I say who I am. How my father treats me, how Grey treats me. And he will help me, the good and kindhearted man he will try everything he can do to help me and to get me away from everything and everyone who hurts me.

Or two: I will tell him the truth and he will get mad, he will start to ignore me, hate me even. But I won't have to lie to him anymore, I will be free of the lies. But also free of Charles Leclerc.

''Go to Greece with me'' I say without even thinking about it. His head shot up; he looks confused at me. It looks like this is going to be our new thing. Ask each other things out of the blue. Maybe it's crazy to ask someone to go on a vacation with you, while we haven't gone on our date yet. Maybe it's a little impulsive.

But don't we have to be a little impulsive from time to time?

And as I'm thinking about it, a little vacation away from everything and everyone will probably do me some good. Now I only must think about a lie to tell my father and Grey on why I would be away for a week.

'' I'm sorry, what was that'' he says with a smirk on his face. The only thing that's keeping our bodies from touching are our hands.

''maybe it's an impulsive thought, but I want to go away for a few days, and I want you to come with me. Get to know each other more.'' I smile at him. Hoping to also get his mind of off the broken finger's topic.

''if I did understand Charlie correctly, you have a week of vacation anyway'' I say. I look into his green eyes, but I couldn't read what he was thinking.

He closes the gap between us, I feel his lips lingering on my ear before he speaks

''j'aimerais aller avec toi amour (I would love to go with you sweetheart)'' shivers run down my spine and my knees go weak as he speaks French. But then again, I have no idea what he is saying because I don't speak French. But I feel stupid to ask him what he means, but I probably should, but it will also ruin the mood.

So instead of asking it, I move my head back a little to the point that our noses are almost touching and look in his green eyes again. Hoping he will understand what I'm trying to say.

''I would love to'' he says touching his nose with mine before closing the gap between us.

Another update, I feel like I did two updates in one day. Because it's 03:40am here and I haven't slept yet. So for me it's still yesterday.

Google translate is my best friend for French so please if I put it wrong or I will put down something wrong in the future, tell me so I can change it.


Elastic Heart // Charles Leclerc Where stories live. Discover now