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I'm Hailey Adkins and I'm fourteen years old. I was on my way home from Ruler with groceries my mom sent me out to get when it happened. I didn't know at the time that anything had even happened. I was just walking down the street with my headphones in listening to my favorite 5SOS song, Disconnected, and singing along with it.
When I got home the door was locked. After I tried to open it I waited for a minute to see if someone would open it. My mom liked to lock the door even with everyone sitting in the living room...she's weird. No one opened it so I was glad that I had thought to bring my keys.
When I got inside it was around noon so I put the groceries up and made a ham sandwich. Then I got on my brothers' Xbox One and went to YouTube. I watched 5SOS videos until eight o'clock. The only thing strange about it was nobody came home yet. I was really worried. I called my mom...****** voicemail. Called again...****** voicemail. And a third time...****** voicemail. "Damn it, mom, pick up!" I half yelled. I tried the same thing with both brothers and that same thing happened again. Oh no... There was a knock on the door. I looked out the window to see who it was. It was a policemen. I gulped. "What are the police doing here?" I whispered to myself as I hesitantly open the door.
(A/N: Hello everyone. I'm a first time writer so feedback is appreciated. Just don't hate. I don't like haters. Use constructive criticism. Anyway, this: * means a ring. And I hope you all enjoy it. Bye bye.)

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