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I lay across them and cuddle into them.

I realize that I had fallen asleep when I woke up from being practically thrown into the air at a huge bump. The only thing that kept me from slamming into floor was Ash's arms. My eyes were closed as I was preparing for an impact, but there wasn't one. He caught me before I hit the floor but I didn't realize until he sat me in his lap. I took me a second before I realized what happened. I looked up at him and he was sweating slightly. "Are you okay?" I ask him. "You scared me." He replies. "Why were you scared? You weren't the one about to violently hug the floor." I smile a little at my weirdness. He sighs and says, "I was scared of you getting hurt. I almost didn't catch you." He sounded sincerely worried. I can't help but smile at him. You see, I'm clumsy. I fall all the time. I even slam sometimes. But I'm used to it, pain doesn't bother me anymore. "Thank you. For caring so much." I say, cuddling into him. He just holds me close, and at the same time, we both mumble,"cutie..."
(A/N: Hey peoplez. I'm sorry these chapters suck. Should I stop this? Idk if it's any good anymore. If you guys like it, I'll continue. Comment what you think I should do. And please be nice about it. Bye bye!)

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