if i can't make eye contact with someone..

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there could be a few reasons.

[1]: they're ugly (not really, just not very fun to look at 🧍)
(this is a joke and i just wanna clarify ❤️)

[2]: i'm anxious/nervous and it's just difficult 😔 (this usually applies with people i know, but other ppl it can apply too 😔)

[3]: my eyes hurt from making eye contact for so long 😭😿 (this actually happens it's real 😭😭 [sadly] like for example when i'm having a conversation with an adult (or just someone older than me or an "authority" figure or something) that's serious, or just slightly serious, when i make eye contact with them, or just look at them for a long time, for some reason everything around their face gets super bright and blurry it's the weirdest thing ever 💀)

[4]: they're probably good looking or hot as hell or somewhere in between and i feel super awkward looking at them 🤭😭😇😔

and THIS (☝️😻) leads me to my story rn 😼
(i almost wanted to say "today" but i have at least 23 stories everyday so 🤷)

so my parents wanted me to go with them for dinner. my mom wanted mexican food (YUMMY 😻) so we went to some place i forgot the name but it was something with the name "manuel"-
we walked in, a waiter (or whatever they're called) brought us to a table. but the amount of SIDE EYES i received was ASTONISHING. 😭😇💀😭

the first side eyes i noticed were from these two really cool looking ppl 😔 they both had super cool hair, one had like a bob i think (idfk) and their hair was dyed half black, half blonde, and the guy/person in front of them had like shaggy kinda hair? it was also blonde 😇 i fr almost complimented them but i didn't want to at first bc i would've felt super awkward.. but then this mf (the one with half dyed hair) SIDE EYES ME WITH SO MUCH DISGUST... girl bye. you don't gotta be jealous of me bae 🙄🤚 sure, you may have a date (if that's what it was bc it looked like they were dating) but just bc i'm too hot for you 😇🤭 doesn't mean you gotta GLARE me down.. 🙄😒

that was the most significant side eye i remember. and trust me, there were plenty more 🤭❤️

when we finally sat at the table (💀) we got a booth, but it was like one where there were regular chairs at the end (yk?) it was a rectangular table and the chairs were on one side-.
anyways my mom wanted to share a burrito with me (bc those mfs are HUGE..🙀) but i was on the other side of the table 💀 my mom sat at one of the short ends of the table (if this doesn't make sense lmk and i'll try to explain it better 💀) and the two babies were in high chairs on the side of the table that didn't have the comfy seats- and my sister (she's 9) sat next to my mom on the other side (aka where the comfy cushion part was 😇) my dad sat next to the youngest one, which was about 3 chairs away from my mom, (i'm getting SPECIFIC now 🤔 not like i'm not specific tho 😇) i sat on the opposite end of my mom-

anyways some lady brought us chips and salsa, we were talking a little bit.. my dad asked me if i was getting anything (💀) (i DID say i probably wasn't gonna eat there tho 😔 but that's only bc i was worried i would gobble my food up so quick that i would regret it 💔) i told him i was sharing a burrito with mom 😇❤️ and then he's like "but you're on the other side of the table" and he LAUGHS at me 🙄😒😔. i can't believe he did that. 😾😿 (i can, i just love being dramatic 😻) then the WAITER for our table came by 🙀🤭

i was like "woah-" and i immediately felt awkward and avoided all eye contact 😰😿😔😰😭 he was pretty 😇 not like "superly fine gorgeous 😻" kinda pretty, but a simple kinda pretty yk?

he was super bubbly tho 🙀🤭 (if he's not queer idk what he is bc from what i saw? he looked like he was pretty fruity 🤔😇🤭😭) he was super nice, he did his job (asked us if we wanted drinks 💀💀💀) and mind you, before he came over, i was tryna figure out how to pronounce "sarsaparilla" bc my dad said it super weird, so i didn't believe him when he said that that was the right way to pronounce it 😾💀😭. but me, being anxious, didn't wanna have to say it out loud 😭 i wasn't anxious bc i would have to say it to the waiter, i was anxious bc i would have to say it 💀

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