The Start of Reforms

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"The Dawn of France"


This is my first post as the protagonist's reform of France is about to begin in earnest.

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April 11, 1771

Hall of Mirrors, Palace of Versailles

Today is a memorable day, as it is the first year of my reincarnation as Louis XVI. Nearly half a year has passed since my reforms finally started. As a reincarnated individual, I am doing my best as a king, at least in theory. I don't want to die in the revolution, you know. It's enjoyable to progress with my beloved Antoinette in implementing the reforms together.

While relaxing in my chamber, the chief servant came to fetch me.

"Your Majesties, please come to the Hall of Mirrors. The ceremony is about to begin."

"Alright. Shall we go, Antoinette?"

"Of course, Lord Auguste!"

Antoinette and I got up and walked towards the Hall of Mirrors, passing by a row of people who bowed to us. Today's ceremony will be an important day for France. Perhaps that's why I feel quite nervous today. It feels like when I used to present with a projector in front of company executives before my reincarnation. Even the slightest mistake would invite criticism... I face the ceremony with such a modest pressure. I'll do my best!

"His Majesty the King is entering the Hall of Mirrors!!!!"

Guards carried the flag of the Kingdom of France and soldiers of the gendarmerie saluted. The people gathered in the Hall of Mirrors bowed their heads in unison as they see me. Walking on the red carpet laid in the center, I started to sense the significant transformation that has taken place in this palace.

There are familiar faces and unfamiliar ones too... Some were born in Paris, others in Nice. There are those of noble origin and those from commoner backgrounds. Although in the minority, there are even women present. The people here now are the reformists who support the reforms.

There are approximately 200 of them. They are people who support the reforms regardless of their social status or background, and they all hope to make France a better country. To fulfill that desire, I decided to have people who excel in knowledge, leadership, and observation skills attend as reformists.

As someone in a leadership position, I must see the faces of the people. Especially in the fields of science and agriculture, which are areas that have seen remarkable advancements in human history. Now is the time to progress towards the future, ten or twenty years ahead, taking inspiration from Japan's Meiji government, which aimed to strengthen the country rather than relying on an outdated religious-centered political system. As the king, it is something that should be done while the security situation is stable!

Immediately after my reincarnation, there was King Louis XV and many nagging aunts... But they are no longer here.

The massive number of servants, around 4.000, has decreased to less than 3.000, and the palace has become quiet.

In the midst of that, I declared this 'Reform Ceremony.'

"From this moment on, we shall proceed with the Reform Ceremony! Everyone, raise your heads!"

As I speak, the eyes of many people met mine. Eyes, eyes, eyes...

When I looked into the eyes of the people, I see overflowing enthusiasm. There is no hint of hostility in their gazes. They are standing here with joy and hope, carrying the desire to embark on the reforms together. This time, there will be no fooling around. Let's switch to serious mode.

I Reincarnated as Louis XVI to Stop the Revolution and Be Happy with AntoinetteWhere stories live. Discover now