Villainous Intentions Righteous Opportunity

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"Villainous Intentions Righteous Opportunity"

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February 1, 1774

When I woke up from my sleep, I could hear Antoinette's breath. I felt a sense of relief in that breath as I opened my eyes. The time was 06:00, about an hour earlier than my usual waking time. Normally, I would want to stay in bed a little longer with Antoinette, but unfortunately, some urgent information had come in, so I quietly slipped out of bed to receive the report without waking her.

The ones providing the report were the servants who were considerate enough to understand the situation. Important reports were placed in a cup left there as a notification by the Department of Land Administration while I slept. These cups were color-coded, with a silver cup indicating a report to be handed to me, the king, and a gold cup signifying a major report that would be delivered as soon as I woke up. Even while I slept, the attendants responsible for tasks like changing candles would quietly leave them for me.

Of course, I hadn't inquired about the details of the reports from the servants. To protect corporate secrets—or, in modern terms, to maintain compliance—I had only received instructions from the Department of Land Administration's personnel to place the cups when they entered the room around 04:00 for candle inspection. I followed those instructions diligently.

Now, waking up to find a gold cup meant there was a major report. I conveyed my desire to the duty officer at the Department of Land Administration through the speaking tube installed in the bedroom, and the duty officer contacted the night-shift personnel to bring the report. In the meantime, I put on a jacket over my sleepwear, suitable for appearing in front of others, and prepared to meet the duty officer.

Today's duty officer was Jeanne, a young woman who was engaged to her colleague Anthony. I had requested her to gather information related to the Republic of Krakow, and it seemed she had made significant progress, judging by her report. She had some dark circles under her eyes, perhaps indicating she had been sleep-deprived due to work.

"Good morning, Your Majesty. I apologize for the early hour."

"Good morning to you as well. I'm the one who should apologize for disturbing your rest... I heard there's a major report. What is it?"

"Well... for now, please come to the reception room. It's extremely significant and concerns the future of the nation..."

"I see... that is indeed serious. Very well, let's move to the Grand Trianon."

I left the task of guarding the bedroom door to the guard, ensuring that Antoinette wouldn't be awakened. Then, I headed to the reception room to receive Jeanne's explanation. We were currently expanding the investigation into Cardinal Rohan in connection with crucial information about the firearms used in the Boston Riot.

This reception room was used for counterintelligence measures. It had minimal interior furnishings and no hidden spaces where people could hide. The adjacent room was occupied by officials from the Department of Land Administration, but only a select few were privy to the highly confidential information. The number of people who knew about it was limited, and to enter that room, one had to unlock a complex door.

"First, based on the information obtained by the Department of Internal Public Security and a thorough examination, a person involved in arms smuggling within France has surfaced, and our preliminary findings suggest his involvement is substantial... However, this individual holds significant influence in the region, so to make a formal arrest, we would need further physical evidence."

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