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"February 20"

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February 20, 1777

The time is 05:55...

If it were during my corporate slave days, this would be the time when I used to eat breakfast while watching today's horoscope on TV. Come to think of it, on the day just before I was reincarnated, the horoscope I saw said, "...Sagittarius, your destiny is truly surprising! Perhaps a fate that could change your entire life awaits! Lucky item: gaming computer!" That's what the announcer said. It turns out that the unbelievable fate of being reincarnated as Louis XVI might have been intentional...

The sun is rising, and combined with the view from the bedroom of the Palace of Versailles, it's truly magnificent. I wish they would play classical music in the background. Wake up with a bang! Full of energy! Crush ideologies! Supernatural beings!

...No, it's no good. Only weird four-character idioms come to mind! My late-night tension still hasn't worn off!

"...Uh-oh, I haven't slept a wink since around 2 o'clock..."

I used to be the type who could sleep the night before a sports festival, but that's not the case anymore. Instead, I've become so nervous that I can't sleep the day before. Even after reincarnation, I continue to have these tough times. Well, at least I can live a happy life with my beloved wife and daughter, so it's okay!

...It's okay, I'm just a little too high-strung. Deep breaths should solve the problem. It's a bit chilly, but opening the window for ventilation and breathing in the outside air should help.

"Huff... huff... Hmm, I can't say I don't smell the scent of trees and grass... Compared to when I first came (reincarnated), it's a world of difference! The winter air feels nice too."

Not having to smell that nauseating stench of excrement and urine is truly great. Have you ever thought about how you felt when the level of foul odor from opening a window and inhaling was enough to make you faint? Toilets are truly great. I seriously think there might be a god residing in the toilet...

Oh, by the way, everyone, I'm Louis XVI.

Today marks the beginning of the historically significant event called the European Conference. Some might be thinking, "I don't find a conference in 1777 in the Wiki, though? Is this guy lying?" ...Rest assured. This conference is created by none other than yours truly!

I'm the one who planned and proposed it, discussed it with members of the Department of Land Administration and higher-ups, and carefully planned the security around the venue. To maintain the dignity of France, it's better to plan such things thoroughly. With Emperor Joseph having arrived in Paris a bit earlier, Antoinette has been in high spirits since the day before yesterday.

"Lord Auguste! Let's make tomorrow's meeting a success! Let us guide France... no, Europe, to a bright future!"

Even Antoinette, before going to bed, took the time to express her enthusiasm for the meeting. She's truly motivated. Thank you, Antoinette. Thanks to you, I can work hard as a king. If you had a personality like the arrogant Adélaïde, I'm confident I'd abandon the country and go on a wandering journey.

And above all, it's reassuring that both Antoinette and Emperor Joseph will be allies for France at this conference. It's truly appreciated. Very much appreciated. The alignment of the opinions of the royal couple and the upper echelons of the government is crucial for making significant decisions in an international conference. If later government members were to say, "We never said that," it would be laughed at, suggesting that even internal opinions weren't coordinated when organizing the conference.

I Reincarnated as Louis XVI to Stop the Revolution and Be Happy with AntoinetteWhere stories live. Discover now