Opening Moves for Dominance

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Comic Polca has started to make the manga version, so this is my first post.

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June 10, 1778

The Palace of Versailles remains peaceful today. Furthermore, it's a perfect day for an outing. It feels as if we are enveloped in the comfortable warmth typical of early summer, surpassing mere pleasantness. As for the punishment for the London revolutionary government of Great Britain... Operation Sealion carried out by the unified forces of European Pact member countries, aimed at liberating the tumultuous Great Britain, is currently advantageous for us.

The revolutionary army, poised to invade Edinburgh, the last stronghold of the Kingdom of Great Britain, was surprised by the sudden amphibious assault by the European forces around the River Humber and throughout Devonshire. They hurriedly withdrew and deployed soldiers of the National Equality Army to urban areas such as Manchester and Bristol, as well as the metropolitan area, declaring a thorough resistance. Even the National Equality Army, which had advanced near Edinburgh, was routed by a total cavalry assault led by Prussian forces, and it is reported that they retreated to Carlisle Castle by the 1st of this month.

Indeed, in this era, muskets are powerful, but cavalry charging at high speed with sabers drawn seems more fearsome. It's akin to armored vehicles charging all at once in modern times. If trampled by a horse, one could suffer fractures or even death, and if cavalry soldiers wielding sabers or spears charge, even if one manages to shoot down the leading horse or soldier, they would be overrun by the following forces... The Prussian army, when serious about land battles, is formidable. As expected of the origin of Germany, they are unbeatable in land battles as long as the supply continues.

Operation Sealion has succeeded in its initial stage so far. In meetings with the military high command, efforts are underway to transport blankets and food for the distressed residents of the occupied territories. Although the Royal Navy of the Kingdom of Great Britain was also involved, it was significantly weakened due to the New World turmoil, with ships being captured by the Confederates or even being scuttled at the discretion of the ship captains. Therefore, they have gone so far as to deploy ships owned by the East India Company.

In response to the critical situation on the British mainland, the colonies have not complied with the demands of the London National Equality Government. Instead, they have pledged loyalty to the Crown and are offering bonuses to military personnel and government officials in the colonies to maintain their allegiance. Especially for the East India Company, which generates enormous profits, it is said that if Britain were to lose this Indian market, it would be impossible to recover.

'If the East India Company were to disappear, the balance of power in the market for selling spices to European countries would completely change... From the company's perspective, they must secure it at all costs. For now, let's observe without stimulating too much around here.'

Frankly, in such a situation, there is no courage to engage in opportunistic actions in the Indian direction. Britain is infamous for breaking promises. They promised to grant independence to India but ignored it, and as for the Middle East Palestine, they promised independence to both the local Palestinians and Jews, and then said, "Okay, govern Palestine jointly or divide it" (sigh) ...They did it half-heartedly, and as a result, there have been four major wars in the region. Where is the trust in Britain... Ughhh.

...The authoritarian or oppressive actions that led to the recent New World turmoil will only provoke a backlash from the masses. The French forces currently stationed in Devonshire, Great Britain, should focus on restoring order and gaining trust in the occupied territories. They are strictly instructed not to commit looting or violence in the occupied areas, and violators are to be executed at the discretion of the on-site commanders.

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