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"Irish Independence"

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September 17, 1777

First, let's exchange greetings.

Good morning, everyone!

I, Louis XVI, became a father of two children safely two days ago. Given the suspenseful days following the developments in the neighboring London revolutionary government and the difficulties in adjusting the European Pact, the news of childbirth was truly wonderful.

In the early morning two days ago, around 03:15 am on the 16th, Antoinette began to feel the signs of childbirth. Immediately, doctors, midwives, and several reformist ladies as witnesses were called. The delivery took place with their presence and a baby boy was born into this world. This, too, aligns with the original timeline, and it feels like destiny once again. The baby, crying healthily, clung to Antoinette, and they exchanged words while carefully observing the newborn.

"Lord Auguste! It's a boy! A boy! ...Now you can boast to your mother!"

"Aah! You did well, Antoinette! With this, we can announce the birth of the prince grandly both domestically and internationally! Right now, you must be exhausted from childbirth, so take it easy and rest."

"Yes... Also, have you already decided on this child's name?"

"Oh, I had a name I had been thinking of trying for a while... Joseph... How about the name Louis Joseph?"

The name of the child who overcame the significant challenge of childbirth that Antoinette had named. In my heart, I had already decided on the name Louis Joseph if the child was a boy. It is the same name that Louis XVI gave to his first son in the original timeline. You might think of it as referring to Louis XVII, but in reality, the one who became Louis XVII was his younger brother, Louis Charles, while Joseph passed away at the young age of seven.

The cause was infection with the tuberculosis bacterium through a wet nurse, leading to secondary infection and falling ill. Moreover, Joseph passed away during a period of political turmoil, with anti-royalists and the parliament in a state of confusion due to political unrest. At that time, Louis XVI deeply mourned the death of his beloved son and was unable to participate in parliamentary sessions.

'If only Joseph had lived, Louis XVI might have avoided mental breakdowns. In this world, Brother Sanson is serving as an advisor to the Ministry of Health, and with improved hygiene conditions today, it should be fine. Let's do what we can, including strengthening Joseph's health and infection prevention measures within the court, to ensure the child grows up safely and becomes the future King of France...'

The death of Joseph, the eldest son who was said to have a good memory and talent even at a young age... If he could have lived his life again, he might have become a role model for a good king. In this present moment, I wanted to incorporate at least the name of Joseph, his beloved son and the original eldest son of Louis XVI, into the newborn in front of me. Perhaps that was what the real Louis XVI had wished for. When I conveyed the name, Antoinette smiled and agreed.

"Louis Joseph... that's a truly good name!"

"Yeah, he will surely grow into a fine adult... I need to address the issues before he grows up, either when I abdicate or pass away..."

Yes, when Joseph grows up, he will become the king when I abdicate or pass away. Issues that need to be addressed before he becomes king. A battle against the invisible ideology of revolution. The day before yesterday and yesterday, I took a break to celebrate the birth of the prince and rejuvenate. Today, I resumed work.

I Reincarnated as Louis XVI to Stop the Revolution and Be Happy with AntoinetteWhere stories live. Discover now