[ Auditorium / Afternoon ]
Ozpin: Russel Thrush, Cardin Winchester, Dove Bronzewing, Sky Lark. The four of you retrieved the black bishop pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as...team CRDL(cardinal). Lead by Cardin Winchester.
The man himself was forming teams for the school year. The two retards were in the back of the crowd watching the team's form. Up next were the spartan girl, a femboy, a girl with a hammer, and a natural blonde, this is up to you to decide who's who.
Vlad: Is this even normal?
Velimir: Not all cultures are the same, for all we know this may have been done for millennia. Frankly, I don't care, we came here for one thing.
Vlad: Right. You got anything to keep me awake for the day?
Velimir: A nice slap in the face.
Vlad: *chuckle* Asshole.
Ozpin: ...from this day forward you will work together as team JNPR.
The orange-haired girl embraced the boy in what looked like a neutral Chinese peasant would wear in the Boxer rebellion(don't take this seriously, most things I say here are satire). While the other two stood there.
Ozpin: Led by Jaune Arc.
Jaune: L-Led by?
Ozpin: Congratulations young man.
The spartan girl playfully punched him in the shoulder, but that boy was fragile and was on the floor.
Velimir: I bet that if you breathe in his general direction he will turn to dust.
Vlad: Pff-Haha, I didn't expect to hear something like that, not from you.
Velimir: Just because I've lost my will to live doesn't mean I won't say some outta pocket shit.
Vlad: Hey look it's the CEO's daughter.
Weiss was with the girl whom she hates her guts, the girl's sister, and the emo girl.
Vlad: Oh you damned wretch.
Ozpin: You will work together as team RWBY. Led by Ruby Rose.
Velimir: Guess who will have to deal with her shit? Not me.
Vlad just covered his face and dropped his head in defeat, knowing damn well Weiss is about to brag about this to him. The crowd applauded and Yang hugged her sister. Weiss a looking disappointed.
Ozpin: Looks like things are shaping up to be an...interesting year.
As he sips on his forbidden liquid.
[Somewhere in the middle of bumfuck nowhere A.K.A. a warehouse]
Roman was asking his cousin on a phone call if he wanted to go bowling. Wait, fuck, this is the wrong Roman.
Roman Torchwick was having a phone call with ask God who and he was having none of it. He slammed his phone and a White Fang member delivered him crystal dust. He picked one crystal up.
Roman: We're gonna need more men.
[Beacon / Morning]
Glynda: There you are-What happened to your nose?
Velimir was walking through the hallway into the classroom or auditorium, or whatever with a bandage over his nose, when he happened to meet the most known professor in the school.

Deathwatch (OCs x RWBY) [Hiatus until further notice]
FanfictionFour soldiers got isekai'd to the world of RWBY while fighting GlobeX. They are then tasked with cleansing the world of Remnant from Grimm. That's it. This book will probably be my descent into madness and my downfall. And of course, some of the art...