[Velimir's POV]
Velimir: Yo, holy shit he dead.
Glynda: Language professor.
Pyrrha was beating team CRDL into submission. Like hell, she was outnumbered, outgunned but not out-skilled. She managed to get on top. Goodwitch went to end the match and congratulated her.
Glynda: And that's the match.
Cardin: Lucky shot...*collapses*
Glynda: Well done Miss Nikos. You should have no problem qualifying for the tournament.
Pyrrha: Thank you, professor.
Glynda: Alright, now I know that's a tough act to follow but we have time for one more sparring match. Any volunteers? Miss Belladonna?
The faunus quickly rose her head.
Glynda: You've been rather docile for the past few classes. Why don't you-
A grey-haired kid spoke up.
???: I'll do it.
Glynda: Mercury, is it? Very well. Let's find you an opponent.
Velimir: Let me fight him.
Mercury: Actually-
Velimir: Do it, no balls.
Mercury: I accept.
Velimir: That's what I thought.
I took the sledgehammer off my back and readied it for a fight. Mercury was ready to throw hands. Rushing at him at full speed, I swing my weapon at him only for him to dodge and kick me in the leg. I drop on one knee and parry his next blow. He did some neat acrobatics moving away from me.
Velimir: The hell are you, a breakdancer?
He ran towards me and tried to hit me in the head. I dodged it and pushed him away, staggering him a bit. Putting my hammer away I went toward him, grabbed his neck, and put my leg behind his, trying to knock him over. But he stood firmly.
Velimir: Kid, you sure as shit don't skip leg day by the looks of it.
He pushed me away and kicked me in the liver. I grunt in pain and drop to my knees, sweating and cursing in Serbian. I slowly get up trying to hold my balance and motion for him to attack. He approached me carefully and tried to kick me once more, with all the strength that was left within me I attempted to throw a right hook. Mercury parried that and punched me in the liver again. This time I was losing consciousness and my vision began to blur, I quickly tried to find the dead ringer before all went to hell.
Velimir: Damn my drinking...
[3rd Person POV]
Velimir drops to the floor clenching the right side of his stomach. Everyone was shocked, they saw someone being-
Velimir: I'm still standing!
He grabbed and raised Mercury above his head, the only thing driving and giving him strength to do so was his adrenaline. He threw Mercury across the classroom, he was quick on his feet and managed to avoid any sort of physical damage. Velimir sprinted to him like Officer Earl and grabbed Mercury in a chokehold. Mercury retaliated by kicking Velimir in the leg which made him let go and put a distance between them.
Mercury: I forfeit!
Velimir pointed at him.
Velimir: I'll get you bi-
Velimir was heading to Ozpin's office for a meeting while half asleep, and running on a cup of black coffee and a cookie. The elevator doors opened to reveal Ozpin and a cum drop of a man.

Deathwatch (OCs x RWBY) [Hiatus until further notice]
FanfictionFour soldiers got isekai'd to the world of RWBY while fighting GlobeX. They are then tasked with cleansing the world of Remnant from Grimm. That's it. This book will probably be my descent into madness and my downfall. And of course, some of the art...