Chapter 6 Callahan

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"No, no Tony don't... please," Mira mumbled. My eyes shot open. I looked over at my clock. It was 1:38 in the morning. What was going on? I turned and saw Mira tossing and turning beside me in the bed. 

"No, please... don't kick me please," she whimpered again. She was having a nightmare, a nightmare about someone naemed Tony. I gently touched her shoulder. Trying to wake her up. I could feel my heart constricting at her tone, she sounded like she was in pain.

"Mira, sweetheart, wake up," I whispered softly over her shoulder. Her eyes shot open, and she bolted upright. Her chest was heaving, she looked around and met my eyes. I slowly sat up, not wanting to scare her. I gently cupped her cheek. My wolf was snarling, who was this Tony? And why was my mate having dreams of him. I did not like the idea of Mira being with another man. It was my wolf being territorial. Most wolves were extremely protective of their mates. With my alpha genes, that was only heightened. My wolf was angry, and I was doing my best to hide it. She was already scared enough, I didn't want to scare her any more.

"Baby it was just a nightmare. I am right here, no one is going to hurt you. I won't let them," I whispered softly. She just stared at me, and I could hear her heart thumping in her chest. Something scared her.Someone scared her, and they weren't even here.

"I... I am so sorry, did I wake you up... Oh my God," she whimpered. I shook my head. Not wanting to upset her anymore than she already was. She looked so scared in this moment.

"It was just a nightmare Mira, come here sweetheart," I whispered opening my arms to her. I pulled her into my arms and laid us back down. Caressing her shoulder. Trying to calm her raging heartbeat. I would do anything to chase whatever demons she had away. I wanted to protect her from anything that could harm her, or make her unhappy.

"Sometimes, talking about it helps. Wanna talk about your nightmare," I asked. My dad use to do this when I was a little kid and had nightmares about monsters chasing me. She shook her head in my chest. I felt my wolf glare at me. He wanted to pry the information out of her. But we had just met, and I didn't want to push her away. I gently kissed her forehead. She would tell me in her own time, until then I would be there for her.

"I am right here Mira, I am not going anywhere. You can trust me," I whispered. She shifted to look up at me. Her eyes still shining with that fear. Clearly something other then her parents dying happened to her. Something much more traumatic.

"Thank you Callahan, I am just tired. And I really don't want to talk about it," she replied. She put her head back on my chest. And we both fell back asleep, my wolf becoming content to have our mate in our arms. I knew that soon enough my wolf would push Mira to tell us who Tony was. And why she was afraid of him. I could smell the fear radiating off her small body. I just needed to give her time to trust me. To know I wasn't like any other man she had met before. That I was her mate, and she was mine. That we were made for another and that I would do anything for her.

The next morning, I was woken up by the sun shining through the windows of my bedroom. I forgot to close the curtains last night. I groaned, and looked over. Mira was still sleeping, she had moved during the night to the other side of the bed. Her beautiful face is so serene. Much different then how she looked last night after her nightmare. Wanting her to sleep. I slowly crept out of bed, and went into my adjoining bathroom. Taking a quick shower, allowing the hot water to calm both myself and my wolf. I came out in just a towel. I needed time to think about how I would pursue Mira. Water dripping from hair. Mira was waking up, she sat up meeting my gaze. Her eyes are taking in my body. I smirked walking closer to the bed.

"Like what you see," I said. Her cheeks flushed with pink. I knelt down on the bed and pulled her to me. Pressing my lips to hers. She gasped, but soon kissed me back. I dropped my towel, leaving me completely naked. I pressed her body into the mattress. My hands on either side of her head. I didn't want to crush her.

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