Chapter 12 Mira

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As I slowly came out of the blackness, I could hear beeping. A slow and steady beeping. Feeling groggy I slowly opened my eyes. I was in a lit hospital room. I was in a hospital bed. The beeping I had heard was my heartbeat on the monitor beside me. How the hell did I end up in the hospital? It was then the memories slowly came back to me. I was walking home with groceries when Tony attacked me. Well I thought it was Tony, it looked like Tony. But he seemed different then before, more angrier than he was before we broke up. I remembered that black wolf at the entrance of the alleyway snarling at us. Tony turning into a wolf himself, that must have been hallucination. From me hitting my head against the wall. I reached up and saw that I had IVs in my arms. I felt my stomach roll, I hated being in the hospital. Especially after the fire and then when Tony put me in the hospital for weeks. I touched the back of my head and winced. Yup, definitely hit my head. I put my hand down and looked around. Liz was sitting in the chair next to me. She was staring at me, her eyes red from crying.She looked like she hadn't slept for days. How long was I out?

"Hey," I rasped. My throat is dry. She got up and poured a small cup of water. She handed it to me and I all but jugged it. She then sat back down and took my hand. She gave me a small smile. She was obviously relieved that I woke up.

"Hey Mira, how are you feeling? I scared the shit out of me," she asked. I felt hot tears prick my eyes. Tony had found me here in Boston, I thought my past would stay in the past. But I was wrong. She saw the tears and squeezed my hand.

"Sore and tired, but Liz it was Nick. He was the one who attacked me. He found me. He knew where we lived," I cried. Liz all but jumped from her seat. Her eyes blazing in fury. She hated Tony more than I did. Hated him for getting away with attempted murder. Hated what he did to me for years.

"He should be in California, how did he find you," Liz demanded. She crossed her arms and began to pace the small hospital room. We were careful when we came to Boston. It was her parents who brought the brownstone, my name was not any bills. We used my grandparents address for my own mail. We made sure that my bank accounts were secure. And somehow he managed to find me. 

"I don't know Liz, but I would recognize his voice anywhere. He was different though Liz. He was stronger, and he was angrier. I thought he was going to kill me this time," I cried. Before I could say anymore, the door opened and Deacon and Callahan walked into the room. Callahan carrying a bouquet of my favorite flowers... Daisies. Deacon saw Liz tense and walked over to her. He planted a small kiss on her forehead, and she visibly relaxed. Liz looked over at Callahan, who was just staring at me. Relief and another emotion filled his eyes.

"Give her a few minutes, she just woke up," Liz said. Callahan nodded and went to put the flowers in a vase. All I wanted was Callahan to hold me n his arms. To tell me that everything would be ok. When he finished with the flowers he came and sat on the bed beside me. I sat up slowly and wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me, burying his face in my hair. I felt sobs rack my body, and he held me. He rubbed my back and whispered soothing words in my ear. I pulled away, and he brushed the last of my tears away. His touch sending a shiver down my spine.

"Oh baby I was so worried about you," he whispered. I buried my face in his chest again. Trying to snuggle closer to him. Trying to block out any memory of the attack. I heard the door shut, leaving Callahan and I alone. Deacon must have led Liz out of the room.

"Who found me Callahan? How did I get to the hospital," I asked. Callahan rubbed the back of his neck nervously. A small smile on his face. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss on my forehead.

"I was going to surprise you at your house. We got out of the meetings earlier then we thought. I was walking by when I saw the groceries on the ground. I followed them and found you unconscious on the ground. I thought you were dead. You looked so pale in the moonlight," he said. I looked at him, my mind going back to the black wolf. Before I could say anything a man walked into the room. He looked like a detective. He was in a simple back suit, a badge pinned on his belt.I could see the cold glint of his glock 19 on his belt too.

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