5. Really Sell It

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Rieka walked down the aisle with Tommen. He offered her a small smile and she sighed leaning into him.

He offered her a hand up the steps and rieka thought well if Jaime is a gentleman like Tommen then we are going to be just fine but the moment he starts acting like joffrey rieka would start taking heads.

"Thank you." Rieka whispered as she let go of Tommens hand. Cersei wanted the world to burn. Cersei and rieka had become friends but now rieka was getting everything cersei had wanted. Jaime.

Rieka said the words but the wedding went by in a blur of dont cry and dont vomit. It wasnt that jaime was bad. He was sweet actually. Charming. He was handsome too. But he was in love with his twin and rieka worried what cersei would do to her for this. But then again cersei would be at high garden soon enough. Marrying loras tyrell.

They sealed thei union with a kiss and rieka let out a shaky breath. There was no celebration but cake was made and placed in their new chambers. Rieka smiled dipping her finger in the frosting.

"Thank you Jaime." Rieka remarked.

"Im sorry it has to be this way." Jaime countered.

"There are worse people to be married to. Sure my exiled husbands brother isnt great but... i feel like I know you from how much cersei and I spoke over the past year together." She stabbed her fork into the cake as the door opened.

"Lets get to it." Tywin remarked. "Bedding." It was just tywin at least not the whole council and she wasnt stripped in public like joffrey wanted. "Come on I have been things to do."

"You dont havw to be here." Jaime corrected. "I know how to do the deed."

"I dont think you will if im not here though." Tywin corrected and jaime huffed a breath. Rieka licked her lips putting her fork down. She tugged at her dress moving to Jaime.

"Really sell it that you love me." Rieka whispered kissing him. "Then we get to go." Jaime caressed her cheek nodding as he kissed her again. Tywins gaze shifted to them as Jaime walked her to the bed his lips never leaving hers. His hand at her hip. He lay her back as he dropped his pants she didnt want tywin seeing all of her so she kept her slip on shifting it up over her hips but she didnt mind seeing all of jaime.

She pulled at his shirt tossing it aside as his chest collided with hers. Satisfied already tywin left silently they didnt hear him go.

Jaime slid in wordlessly. Riekas hands clawed at his back as he pumped inside her. She maoned as he bit along her neck his hand slipping under her night dress feeling her delicate curved.

Besides groans and moans and panting breaths they didnt say a thing. Her leg shifted around his hips and he drove deeper her eyes rolled back in her head a little mew from her lips. Her hands fists his hair as he continued his pursuit.

His lips found hers again as he stilled his cock twitching inside of her. Riekas eyes fluttered open meeting his soft gaze. She unhooked her leg from his hip and he slowly pulled back. She stared back at him as he hovered above her. He lay back beside her a layer of sweat covering his naked self and rieka rolled into him.

Jaime didnt know how long he lay there before he remembered his father but tywin was long gone.

"Rieka." Jaime whispered kissing her forehead but her eyes were closed. She feigned sleep. She felt like she betrayed tyrion and she did it willingly. "Im going to take care of this baby." Jaime assured. "Im going to be a father to this baby. I promise you. I always wanted to be a father. A real father. Im going to be a father to your baby to tyrions baby. To our baby."

It was wedding central for the next day was the royal wedding.

Jaime watched rieka get dressed that morning brushing out her hair putting on her rings and then she put on a red dress.

"You forget how to tie your laces husband?" Rieka questioned glancing back at him. "Maybe you are stuck."

"Maybe I am. Care to help me?" Jaime agreed. Rieka moved to him and his hand went to her hip. He stroked the fabric. "Red."

"Oh good you know your colors. I was worried." Rieka agreed.

"Ha ha." Jaime countered kissing her cheek. "Shall we?"

"I get to wear heels again," rieka informed him as she moved slipping on her shoes. Jaime chuckled. "And Im still shorter than you."

Tommens wedding, margaery looked happier this time around knowing tommen was easier to manipulate than joffrey he was a sweet boy kind soul and she would be queen for real this time no take backs. Margaery smiled as the kiss sealed them forever.

Rieka stood by Jaimes side as they clapped but the smile on cerseis face was not genuine. Rieka knew this. Cersei trusted them as far as she could throw them and Olenna was a large woman and Cersei was not that strong. But still they clapped false smiled on their faces. But Tommen seemed happy, all things considered he got a beautiful bride and a few realms within the kingdom.

Jaime kept an arm around rieka which cersei hated with a passion but rieka found it comforting. Tyrion had always spoke highly of his brother and cersei spoke of jaime as if he was a unicorn. After last night rieka deduced that the Lannisters knew what they were doing snd were packing heat.

"Time for you two to go home." Tywin remarked. "Your things are being packed and I expect to know when she is pregnant." Tywin demanded. "Dont make come there and show you how its done."

"Father." Jaime scolded.

"Get her pregnant. Don't disappoint me."

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