Chapter 1: This Morning

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Aiden was in his room, playing some game on his PS3 or whatever. Tori was listening to music off her iPod, Sarah was also on her iPod, but maybe on instagram, I'm not sure. And here I am, wandering the walls of West Raul Asylum. To be honest, me and my siblings aren't insane at all. We're just like you, normal kids who go to school, have friends to hang out with, tests to study for, and yeah. But as soon as we got here 3 days ago, life changed. The doctors here say it's just a small change in our bodies, like puberty, but this was worse. In fact, I don't even know what's wrong with myself, we're not like the other people here. I heard some screaming from room number 9, it made me jump. Ok, just so you know, we're not THAT crazy.

It started 3 days ago, when I woke up. It was a Saturday and I was sick at that time, but just a little, so I was able to get up, get ready and all that. Apperently, the 3 of them also felt the same way, and I was the only sick person in the house. Our parents were gone for the day, like most Saturdays, so we spent the whole day with video games, sweet treats, and Netflix. But once mom and dad came back, they were holding a letter, saying we were going to be shipped off to an asylum to stay at for testing. At first, me and Tori thought it would be cool to see insane people like in the videogames, but then, we protested. In the end, we were gone. Now, here I am, waiting, for my turn for testing. This morning already turned out so well. Then, I heard the loud speaker go off.


I already knew what was going to be next. it would be my sister and she would complain about wanting to do it tomorrow.


That, I did not expect. If Aiden and Sarah go today, does that mean me and -


crap, I didn't expect me to go there. I was told that area is for people who have a larger amount of...weirdness, than others. How is testing like exactly? Is it long and painful, or short and easy? As I walked to Area 1B1, my heart thumped really loud, and I felt like I had butterflies in my stomach. Oh well, at least Tori'sgoing to be there with me.

I walked slowly all the way to Area 1B1. Once I reached the door, I opened it and peeked in. It was filled with a bunch of big machine things or weapon things. There was a big chair that could be arranged for you to lie down, like at the dentist, and there was a young lady, who sat on a normal chair, and had a clipboard. She looked like those nurses who gave you shots at school, with a big blue lab coat like shirt, gloves, and glasses. Her hair was blonde, but not like barbie blonde, like blonde in those creepy horror movies. She looked at me and motioned for me to sit beside her on the big dentist chair.

"Alright, Layla is it? So how are you feeling today?"

"Um, I'm fine."

" Ok, did you feel anything weird this morning when you woke up?"

I thought about it for a minute. I felt dizzy when I woke up to see my night light off and full vision of darkness...

" I was a little dizzy, but right now I'm fine, and it was only for a minute or so."

That wasn't true though, when I saw darkness, I was dizzy the entire time I looked straight at it.

" ok hun, just so you know, your not the only one going through this, as your sister is too, ok? Your not alone. "

oh hell no. What does she mean by this? I was 100% sure she was telling me that this was going to be painful, and that I was NOT going to like this. Then, I did something stupid, like how I always do.

" ok, but is this going to hurt?"

Damn it! You don't say that when obviously it will!

" Yes, it will hurt honey, but only for a little while. You won't feel it though, now turn around while I set up. I'm pretty sure you don't want to see this."

Well hell yeah she was right about THAT.

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