Chapter 16: Back To Reality

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What the hell am I suppose to do now? Aiden is driving fast and bleeding to death, and we don't even know where the hell we are going. Aiden was just blending in with the crowd.

"Back to Honey's! She can help you out with THAT. I said, pointing to his head.

"Were going straight to the Captain bridge. No one can find us there and we can rest until we can come up with another place to go."

" do realize we could be wanted now for killing people..."


"Then again, it was self defense."

Suddenly, a creature--the same creature I saw in the closet, was halfway through the road, and as we bolted to a halt, the car went spinning everywhere, eventually crashing into something. Not a pole, but like a fence.

So now we were all somewhat hurt, the front of the car was damaged, and we still didn't have a plan for anywhere. We all got out and went to a nearby park bench to sit at.

"Are you guys ok?" Aiden said as he turned around to face Tori."

"Yeah, but you and Layla should be worried. You guys were in the front...are YOU ok?"

"Hell yeah, alright, so we all good, we all safe." I say. Aiden then continued.

"Second off, what was that thing that made us crash?"

"That's the thing I saw in the closet the other day!"

"But is it even real? ARE OUR PARENTS EVEN REAL? Aiden screams. I wouldn't blame him. I had thoughts about this too, and I thought I was slowly going insane at times too.

"I'm pretty sure, I mean, if I'm a trained shadow now, and those werewolf features are real and I can feel them with my own eyes, then it MUST be real!" I reassured.

"To be honest....sometimes I thought I was going insane seeing our mom, and I thought if any other normal person saw me talking to myself...." Tori said quietly.

We were all quiet. Then I finished it off.

"People would think we need help...I know how you feel, I felt the same with dad."

"I never saw anyone, but I felt like I was transforming into something, which was why I was always picking myself."

He showed us some scars from his hands. We all were silent for a minute. It wasn't an awkward "no on had anything to say" silence, but more of a silence of defeat. We all knew it. We were all connected to insanity, we all just didn't want to admit it.

"Should we turn ourselves in?" Tori says, breaking the silence.

"We would be insane killers then, they would kill us...send us to jail forever." Aiden said.

Then I thought about it more clearly.

"Hold on a come the doctors knew we had powers? Like Aiden, they knew you had werewolf abilities because of your physical appearance and strength. And Tori, how did they know you had ghost powers? Because something was beating them, but they couldn't see it. It's not insanity, we're just trapped in a--"

"Oh no....please don't say...." Tori gave me a worried look.

"The only reason why we can see Rhianna, dad, and mom is because..."

"Lemme guess....we're dead."

I nodded, but I quickly spoke up.

"I'm not sure though....we need info about this. What should we do?"

"Then how can everyone else see us?"

"Then how can we see dead people?"

"Maybe we have the sixth sense?"

Aiden pulled out his iPhone 5 and went on some website thing. I wasn't paying attention though, as I was turning darker and soon my skin was the dark shade of grey. I was a shadow now.

"Can you guys at least see this?"

"Yeah, your a shadow now." Aiden said , still not looking up.

"But can normal people see this?"

"...maybe, let's walk into a that Tim Hortons and find out."!

"Ok, go get me a small Ice capp." Aiden said, clearly stating he wasn't coming along."

"Well, it's 5:47. It's still open." Tori said as we got out and walk to the store.

"Here it's always open, 24 hours."

"We walked into the store. The smell of hot coffee filled my nose, and I wanted to order something. We were 2nd in line so we planned what we wanted."

"I'm getting the new Oreo ice capp, what about you?"

"Chocolate chill."

People were looking at her like she was talking to herself. Our turn was next.

"Hi how can I help you?"

"I spoke up while Tori looked up at the menu. She couldn't hear me though. She couldn't see me. She kept looking at Tori."

"Tori she can't see me, order mine."

"Can I have 3 small ice capps? One of each flavour."

Tori paid and we walked out. I tried grabbing my drink. I couldn't. So tori had to ask for those holder things. We walked out and went back to the park.

"They can't see me. No one can see me. I bet dad or the police can't see me either. If only I could have a choice as to when I can be a shadow."

"I know it sucks, but whatevs.."

We made it back to Aiden and gave him his drink. It was 6 now, so I was visible.

"So I figured it out. You see where the cemetery is nearby our house?"

We both nodded slowly.

"We could take a look for our names...I bet that won't do any good though."

"Sure, after all, what else is there to do?"

"I'm pretty sure we're not insane, but maybe we have Mediumship. I was reading all about it."


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