𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 9 || How Henry and Liam Became Friends

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(Me having stomach pain at 3 AM: I want to die)

(I am fr writing this book at 3 AM no caps)

(I'll shout-out to 1 lucky person who votes for this chapter)

(Hello readers!! Guess what, I forgot what my story is even about :D Anyway enjoy)

<Past, Elementary school>

<3rd Person POV>

Henry, this cute-looking bunny lettuce actually has a sad emo background story 😭 This is a flashback of how Henry and Liam become friends and a little background story of Henry

You see, starting in elementary school in grade 5, Henry got bullied because he has unique eyes.(which is very rare asf, a lost hybrid princess) Ordinary people's eyes were brown, green, blue, etc, but Henry's eyes were half black and half green. This made people call him a freak.

(Why this sounds like Jake lmao)

Henry had a friend group, but the friend group was really toxic. They didn't care about Henry, they would still talk about his eyes even though they knew it was one of his big insecurity. The friend group friended him just so they can use him, manipulating him. 

It was just a normal day, Henry just sitting down near the garden, watching his toxic friends playing. 

Suddenly, a Brunette/Burgundy hair guy(aka Liam) sits next to him. 


"Uh hi.." he said while he turned back, not wanting to show his eyes.

"I am new here, and I wonder If we could be friends?" he suggest. Henry was shocked. This was his 2nd time hearing if someone wants to be friends with him. Well, the first time was when a group of toxic friends asked him to be one of the group members/ be friends with them. Henry thought they were nice, but late find out they were just using him and friending just for fun so they can insult him. 

He found out and comfort them about this. But no one listens to him and saying him to stop being so 'overreacting'. He sometimes thinks about leaving the group, but if he does, he will have no friends and be alone. He didn't want that. Plus, his toxic friends didn't allow him to leave the group, manipulating and guilt trip him whenever he tried/to say he want to leave the group. 


"Well good to know! What's your name? Mine's Liam." he introduced himself.

"Well, my name's Henry." 

"Nice name! Why won't you see me while talking? Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong...It's just- I don't like people to see my eyes and judge me. I'm afraid you'll do that too."

"Nah, I won't do that! I promise. So, can you show me your eyes? I bet it's beautiful."


He turned and look Liam into his eyes. Liam was amazed at how Henry looked and his eyes.

"Wow you're eyes are so...beautiful..!" he exclaims. 

"Wait really?" 

"Yes! I've never seen a person with these eyes colors! It is very.. unique and beautiful!" 

"Y-you think so..?"

"Yes! Of course!"

"Thanks.." he blushed slightly. He never heard someone say that to him, except for his parents. On that day, Liam and Henry became best friends. Liam comforted Henry to leave the group and told him that his group is toxic, manipulating, and guilt-tripping Henry. Henry agreed, and he left the group. 

Around 1 year later, they met Drew and offers him to be in their friend group. The rest of the story will be in Chapter 1.


(Hello Readers! Sorry I lost motivation, but I'll try hard to keep up the story.. I hope you enjoyed it, don't forget to vote for the story if you're liking the story)

(Sorry if there are grammar problems in the chapter)

(Word count: 603 words)

(Shoutout to thegaymcytfan, tysm for voting!)


( ゚д゚)つ Bye

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