Chapter two

"I thought you stuck to a vegan diet?" Kells questioned as he read her order from the receipt she had been given.

"Not today." She chuckled as she sipped her iced coffee, which had full fat cream in it and whipped cream on top.

Kells sipped on an iced black coffee and shook his head.

"So do you wanna talk about last night?" He smirked.

"What do you mean?" Her cheeks flushed red.

"I'd thought I'd let you know we didn't fuck."

"I mean I kinda figured-"

"You'd remember it, trust me." He held his bottom lip between his teeth and scanned her body.

"I'd feel it." she smirked as she scooped some of the cream onto her finger and sucked it off.

"Shit." Kells couldn't stop himself from feeling all hot, as his eyes focused on her lips.

"Been there all night, been there all day, and boy, you got me walking side to side." She sang the lyrics softly as if to add a point to what she had said before.

He noticed the cream under the left side of her lower lip and reached his hand out to wipe it away. Ari caught his wrist and sucked the entire length of his finger.

Colson couldn't stop his mouth from dropping open, as he glanced around him.

"What's gotten into you?" He looked her up and down as he tried to figure her out.

"It's not about that, it's about what's not gotten in me." She giggled and covered her face with her hands.

"What?" He found himself laughing.

"I'm horny, and everytime I've ever been around you I've wanted you to fuck me, even when I was with Pete I couldn't stop thinking about it. I don't know what you do to women, but I've been thinking about your dick for months, and now we're both single so..."

"I feel like you've...misplaced that attraction...I'm your ex's best friend." Kells carefully said.

"You don't fool me Kells." She giggled.

"I know you wanna fuck me." She hummed.

"It would just be once?" She pouted.

"Ariana you're making this difficult for me." He clenched his jaw. He could feel himself getting turned on.

She rolled her eyes playfully.
"It's fine, I get it I guess, bros over hoes."

She got up from her chair and walked away, and she knew that he would follow.

"Ari don't be like that!"

"I'm not being like anything, I just said it was cool."

She headed all the way to her door, and he was still following.

"I guess you can come in." She mumbled, he couldn't see the grin on her face, but she knew exactly what she was doing.

She began getting her things together for the shoot. She put everything she needed in her bag.She knew she would be getting her makeup and everything else done on set.

She turned and realised that Kells had been standing there quietly the whole time.

"Don't you need to get your shit together?"

"We still got like an hour." He scoffed lightly.

"Do you baby." She said rolling her eyes.

Something about the sound of her rich, yet soft voice made him melt.

"You have a really calming voice." He smirked.

"Ok? Thanks?" She chuckled.

"What?" She started to giggle as she noticed the weird way he was looking at her.

The sleeves of her jumper draped over her hands as she held them to her face.

"Stop it Colson." She continued to giggle.

"I'm not doing anything." He laughed back at the girl who was blushing.

"Just don't look at me like that."

"So I can't look at you? Don't play the innocent giggling girl now." He started to step closer to her.

"Can we just pretend that didn't happen, so I don't have to think about how you don't want to fuck me." She still had a smile on her face as he stepped even closer.

"If Pete wasn't your ex you know I would, and if I could keep secrets from head would be buried so deep in that..." he trailed off, and stepped away from her. He shook his head and slowly made his way to the door.

"Get your ass ready you fucking tease! And I wanna chill with you tonight, you can come to my suite." She called after him.

"But I'm meant to...sure." What would he tell Pete?, he couldn't tell Ariana, that Pete was in the suite down the hall, and he couldn't blow his plans with Pete for her.

He headed into his suite and pressed Pete's name in the contacts of his phone.

"Hey bro, yeah I'm not feeling good I'm gonna just come to you at like 9pm and I'll just chill for an hour." He purposely made sure he sounded sick.

"Sure bro it's all good, just don't bail on the last night otherwise I brought my ass here for no reason."

"How did you already know we're staying an extra night?"

"Don't worry about that, get back to work or whatever." Pete chuckled and hung up on Kells.


"Hey Kells!" Colson turned on his heels. It was 8:55pm and he was planning on rushing back to the hotel to go and hang out with Pete.

"Yeah?" He answered as Ari ran right up to him, her high heeled boots click-clacking on the ground and her ponytail swaying side to side.

"I promise you'll get paid more for this but I need you to take part in a quick photoshoot I'm doing."


"please?" She pouted.

"What for?" He sighed as he followed her.

"My perfume...there's a reason my video is taking three days, I'm getting a whole bunch of shit done."

"Let's just get this done." He whined.

"Ok grandpa it's not like you have anywhere to be other than with me." She smirked back at him.

Kells didn't realise what he was getting into until the photographer put a leash around his neck.

"What the fuck!?" He hissed.

Ari giggled at him.

"We only need to see the back of your head don't worry, it's a really cool concept, it's all pink and cute and then there's the black and white photos, which will be more...naughty?" She said as she sat down on the small pink block, with her legs slightly parted.

They took a few pictures and she looked stunning even in latex. There was a range of pictures taken, but as she had promised only the back of Colson's head could be seen. She was really happy with the pictures and she still had to do some solo shots.

Colson stayed and watched her, he should have darted straight out of there as soon as he was finished but she was so captivating. He felt a presence beside him. It was her mother Joan Grande. He put his hand out for her to shake, and she eventually did as she looked him up and down.

"Aren't you Pete's-"

"No ma'am I'm Ariana's...colleague I guess you could say. I'm Colson, nice to meet you." He chuckled and noticed the woman's frown soften.

"You seem...nice." The Mom narrowed her eyes.

"Mama stop it. You're gonna scare him." Ariana laughed as she stopped posing.

"Kells I thought you had somewhere to be?" She said hinting that he should go.

"Oh sh- yeah I gotta go. It was nice meeting you, have fun." He rushed out.

"See you tonight." Ari smirked.

Angel: Ariana grande x MGK Where stories live. Discover now