Chapter 5

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Tag for today's Authors Note: harrypanther  - not sure why but wattpad wouldn't let me put it in where I wanted it. 

Hey guys, I know it's been a hot minute but I've been very busy this past summer. My sister got married and now I'm getting more hours at work (good for me for money but bad for time for writing lol). I've also just been having some writers block and not been sure how to go about some of my stories. 

I know where I want this one to go - it's the main idea of why I wanted to write this fanfic in the first place but I'm just trying to get there by doing the set up of their relationship and everything. But in the meantime I've also been reading some fanfics by  harrypanther here on wattpad. They have some amazing fanfics and I highly recommend reading them - I just finished Accidental Fiancé by them and it was so good, I didn't ever want to put it down. 

So if you're looking for some good fanfics to read - harrypanther has got some. 

Anyway - on with the Hiccstrid! 


Astrid was limping around for a couple of days and showed up to training and Hiccup furrowed his eyebrows when he saw her limp into the stables to get Stormfly. 

"You okay your highness?" He asked and she looked at him confused. He never used formality with her. 

"Yeah, just a twist - I'll be fine. Are you okay?" She asked and Hiccup knew what she was talking about and gave a side glance into one of the stalls. Astrid glanced over and saw movement of a person and realized someone else was in the stables. She nodded understanding the formality now. 

"You want me to get Stormfly ready for you, princess?" He asked. 

"No thank you. I like getting her ready. But thank you." Astrid said to him and Hiccup gave her a small smile and walked to Toothless' stall. Astrid walked passed to the bigger stalls where they kept the Royal Families horses and saw there was multiple stable workers today. She sighed a little going in Stormfly's stall and greeting her.

"Hey girl, you ready for some training?" She asked the horse kissing her nose. Astrid was saddling up Stormfly and thinking to herself how annoyed she was that the stable workers were out today. She knew they had jobs to do, but training with Hiccup was some of the only alone time they had and she knew they couldn't relax and be themselves with each other when there was others around. He wouldn't risk it and she knew that. So their training session would probably be very formal today, and Astrid now wasn't looking forward to it as much. 

She buckled the saddle up and then got the reigns on before leading Stormfly out of the stall to bring her to the training ring they used. Astrid saw Hiccup out there already on Toothless and waiting for her. When she entered and closed the gate, She got onto Stormfly and walked over to him. Hiccup handed her a weapon. Her favorite, an axe. She smiled at him and he pulled out his sword. 

"We're gonna try some armed riding today, how to hold it, where to store it. Don't worry I can make you a holder on your saddle for the axe." He told her and she smiled nodding at him. 

"You remember your riding positions from the other day?" Hiccup asked her. Astrid nodded and walked Stormfly over to the position. "Alright, now hold your weapon like you would and we're gonna walk through the steps before actually applying them." 

They trained for a couple of hours and decided to take a break. Also, so their horses could take a break. Astrid was sitting on a bench in the stables drinking some water and Hiccup came and joined her. She smiled at him and then looked around outside seeing all the workers still. 

"I wish we didn't have to hide." She told him. Hiccup frowned a little at her. 

"I know. Maybe we won't have too one day." He told her. Astrid let a smile tug at her lips but in her head she knew that one would probably not happen. Her father would never allow her to be with a Castle hand - Royal Guard title or not. It would be deemed a distraction to her royal duties and becoming Queen in the next few years. Which she hadn't told her father that she would rather him pass over her and wait for her sister to come of age. But she knew that also wouldn't happen. 

Astrid stood up putting the water cup down and looked at Hiccup. "Do we have to do training? Or can we just ride?" She asked. Hiccup could see in her eyes that she was really asking for alone time with him. 

"Back Trail?" He asked. Astrid smiled and nodded knowing where they would be going. "Get Stormfly and a head start. I'll meet up with you, hopefully less suspicious if we leave at different times. Astrid went to lean over to kiss his cheek and stopped herself and cleared her throat. 

"Alright, sounds good." She said and walked out of the stable to get Stormfly. 


Hiccup finished up and gave Toothless an apple before getting back on the horse and started to walk down to the trail. One of the stable workers had heard them talking and watched them go to the back trail.

Astrid was partly down the trail when she stopped to wait for Hiccup. She looked around at the woods until she heard the sound of horse hooves behind her. She turned around to see Hiccup and smiled.

"Ready Milady?" Hiccup asked and she nodded. They rode down the trail before turning off into the woods and towards an alcove they had found before. It was a beautiful spot with a pond and small waterfall from above. They got off their horses and let them walk around and Hiccup took Astrid's hand and pulled her along with him. She smiled feeling her heart flutter at the movement. She knew she would've found someone to be with at some point in her life, most likely a prince picked by her father. She never planned or thought that she would fall for her Royal Guard, but clearly it was meant to be. She loved him so much and just wanted to be with him. She just had to figure out how.

Hiccup stopped and she watched him look at the area in front of them and then he started to climb up some of the rocks. He turned to her holding his hand out. "Be careful, they're wet so they'll be slippery." He told her. She grabbed his hand and he helped her up onto the rocks. They carefully climbed up and around into a small caved pathway and it wasn't very long - maybe ten feet to go through some darkness with the light on the other side. Hiccup didn't let go of her hand and when they got out on the other side and Astrid gasped a little bit. 

They were behind the waterfall. She smiled and put her hand out into the waterfall. Hiccup watched her and felt his heart flutter. Gods, he loved her. He knew they were together, but he knew at some point it would end. She was a princess, she had more royal duties to attend too then to get on her horse and go on adventures with him. He loved that she wanted to extend their training time just so they could see each other and spend time together. But Hiccup knew eventually her parents would put an end to her training. Her mother didn't think it was necessary at all and Hiccup's father was the one who convinced Astrid's parents that the training would be beneficial to the girl if something was to ever happen. So they agreed and Hiccup had been training her since. They had been friends since they were kids but training had made them closer and more fond of each other. He had loved her since he was a child. He knew Astrid liked him, but he still wondered if she loved him the way he loved her. He knew that she knew what he was thinking, that their time was limited and would eventually come to an end. 

Twenty-one was usually the coronation age. Astrid was getting close to that, and being the good princess she was, Hiccup knew even though she didn't want to be Queen, she would do it anyway. But knowing her father, she would probably have to marry first. Which meant soon they would start having courting balls for her, to find a suitor. Hiccup would have to stand in the ballroom on guard watching for thieves and anyone wanting to hurt the royal family. While watching the girl he loved be passed around from man to man for dances and endless annoying flirting. He knew Astrid would hate it as well. 

Astrid looked back at him and Hiccup grinned at her. Hiccup found a dry area a little further back and sat down. Astrid walked over wiping her wet hand on her riding pants - the only time her mother approved of her not being in a dress was for training or riding. Astrid didn't mind some of her dresses but she hated the big ballgowns, she didn't mind the simple, light and flowy ones though. She sat down in between his legs and Hiccup welcomed her there as she leaned against him and sighed. Hiccup wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head. 

"Can we just stay here forever?" She asked. Hiccup smiled. 

"I wish, but we both know that won't happen. But for now we can just enjoy it." He told her. Astrid sighed a little and nodded.  

After a while they headed back to the castle and Astrid noticed the workers were all gone from the stables. Probably taking their time to eat lunch or something. They rode the horses right into the stable before getting off and Astrid winced slightly landing on her twisted ankle. Hiccup watched her limp Stormfly back to the stall. 

"We can cancel lessons tomorrow. I think you should give your ankle a rest." He told her. Astrid looked back at him. "I can come to your room and we can do book lessons on training. There's lots to learn that way too." He smiled a little. 

"Okay, regular time?" She asked. Hiccup nodded. 

"Sure." He brought Toothless into his stall and started to take the saddle and reigns off. Hiccup got some hay and fresh water for both the horses and put some carrots and apples in their food trays as well. Astrid walked over to him as Hiccup slid Toothless' stall closed and locked it. Hiccup turned to look at her and Astrid kissed him. Hiccup kissed her back. 

"Thank you." she smiled. Hiccup moved some of her lose hair from her braid behind her ear. He kissed her forehead. 

"Anytime. We should probably go eat ourselves." He told her. She nodded. 

"My mom is probably looking for me everywhere." Astrid sighed. They walked beside each other and entered back into the Castle through the servants quarters and when they got to the end of the main hallway, they said goodbye and headed their own ways. 

Astrid headed to the dining room and smiled to herself as she walked in to take a seat. 

"Well, it's nice of you to finally join us." She heard her mother's annoying tone say. Astrid cringed inside. "You couldn't have changed first? Why do you think coming to lunch in your riding clothes covered in dirt is appropriate for a princess?" 

Astrid just gave her mother a small glare as she sat down to eat. Her mother glared back at her. 

"Do I need to stop your lessons?" Her mother asked her. Astrid's eyes widen a little and she looked at her mother. 

"No! Don't you dare." Astrid raised her voice. 

"Then don't come to eat with us looking like our stable-hands next time." Her mother crooned.  Astrid just looked down and started picking at her food. 

"Fine." She mumbled. 

The rest of the meal was quiet and when it was finished Astrid went to go up to her room and have a bath. 


That's it for this chapter guys! 

I hope you enjoyed it. 

~ httydobsessed13

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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