Finding ourselves in the morning drizzle

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Bakugo Katsuki

The fucking prick made me blush.

Men are not supposed to blush when men pin them to a wall.

It's unnatural.

It's weak...

I don't really believe that though. Do I?
I didn't care when Denki and Sero made out in front of Mina, Kirishima, and I. So why do I care that Shinso and I, Two aquaintanses, pinned each other to a stupid fucking wall.

I groan aloud.

Why is life so fucking difficult?

I change into a grey tank top and black baggy sweatpants to train in. Mom thought I was weak last weekend, next time I see her she will be proud of her son.

She will be so proud, I'm sure of it.

I walk out of the room, my pace faster than the average person. I'm tired but I need to train. I won't disappoint mom again, I can't.

No one is in the training arena today to both my relief, because I won't have to deal with annoying extras. But also to my dismay as I had hoped there'd be someone to spar with.

I carefully wrap both my hands in boxing tape and head to one of the punching bags. I hit and kicked until my knees felt like they'd give out and my arms felt almost like jello.

I didn't stop though.

I went straight to the treadmill and ran for an hour and a half. My knees gave out at that point, my legs numb from overexertion. I quickly turned off the Treadmill as I fell and let myself sit there, catching my breath and letting my body regain some of its feeling. My tank top is soaked and I can't wait to take a hot shower. After ten minutes I stand up and head to the towel rack where I stretch my back muscles and shoulders before wiping the dripping sweat from my face.

I feel eyes on me and turn to see Shinso who's gaze Rakes over my body, not yet noticing my attention turned to him.

"Like what you see?" I ask with a hint of annoyance but clear teasing in my voice. I smirk at him. He smirks back.

"Mmm... Maybe." He responds with. "I guess I won't know until there aren't any barriers covering your body."

He winks and my jaw drops open as my face reddens.

"Fuck you, eye bags."

"Awww is the wittle pomeranian flustered?"




"Hey Bakugo?"

"What the fuck do-" I feel an almost haze come over me and I can no longer control my body.


I fight against the control.

"Take a deep breath and sit down like a good boy." I find my body complying to the insomniac's commands and as soon as I've done as he asked, he releases me.

"What the hell was that for?!"

"Your knees legs were trembling like you'd over done training and you looked about ready to kill me. I was keeping myself safe. No harm in that."

"Tch. Whatever." I don't feel as mad as I should be, if anything I'm concerned with how good he is at reading people.

I can't let anyone know about the punishments mom gives me. If they do, we might get in trouble. It was bad enough when recovery girl nearly found out.

Recovery girl has seen me at my weakest more than once. The first was when I apparently had some sort of attack at the sports festival and passed out when it ended. What was it called? A panic attack? Scared attack? Anxiety attack? I can't remember.

I had remembered the slug villain attack and freaked out. Why hadn't anyone but fucking Izuku tried to save me? I gave him a ton of shit for being weak but when he was braver than my idol, I couldn't help but give him my respect for that.

Not that he needs to know that.

The second was after I was kidnapped by the LOV. I wouldn't go to a hospital because my mother would beat me even worse than when I was captured by the slug villain. It was bad enough being kidnapped and hurt enough to need medical attention, but a hospital? I might not have survived if after a little arguing with me, the old woman hadn't decided she'd take care of me in her little office for a couple days at school.

"You okay?" Shinso asks.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"You were zoned off, lost in head of yours. You looked almost... Worried?"

"I'm fine." I insist. I wipe my face one more time before leaving the purple haired boy to return to my dorm.

Decided to be nice and release another chapter. (You're welcome /j)

-Love Saturn

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