Stormy Nights Leave Morning Dew

358 10 1

3rd Person


The lack of sleep of both boys dampening their moods.

Bakugos head lifts from his pillow, his hair still damp from the previous night's excitements. The boy shivers as a low grade fever takes hold of his body and his dark circles and bruises lay prominent on his pale skin.

Shinsos alarm wakes him up after the incessant ringing goes off for too long. A soft groan tugs from his mouth and he rolls out of his bed, bringing his blankets and sheet with him. He struggles to break out of the tangled mess.

Bakugo changes immediately into his school uniform, leaving the tie behind as usual, uncaring of the judging look of Iida soon to come. The boy walks slouching at a pace much slower than his usual speed walk to Recovery girl's office.

After untangling himself, Shinso takes a hot shower that is much too long and then deals with his hair, teeth, and uniform. Unlike the blond boy he does put on his tie, if half hazardly.

Bakugo hesitates before deciding the pros outweigh the cons and heads into recovery girls office.
He really couldn't miss class if he didn't want another punishment. Plus if he missed even a day of training he might eventually die because of it. At least, those were his thoughts. His heart rate increases as he imagines how weak the nurse would think him when he asks her to help with his fever that he got from being outside in the rain.

Recovery girl sits in her chair reading some overly sweet romcom when Bakugo walks in with a pale face and shivering body. The old woman immediately sets aside her book and rushes to him and orders him to bend down so she can feel his forehead.
She immediately takes her hand away when she feels the heat and tsks at him.

"Young man! What have I told you kids about playing in the rain? I expected this from Kaminari, but you Katsuki? Im disappointed!"

Bakugos body tenses at those two words and he feels shame grow In his chest

"Sorry." Bakugo says hesitantly. "Can you just fix me up, old woman?"

Despite the name calling there is not an ounce of aggression filling the boys voice. Pure exhaustion is evident in his body and Recovery girl's once harsh worrying eyes begin to soften.

"Come sit down Katsuki, and don't call me old woman. It's not polite." Bakugo smirks playfully at the older woman.

"Got it, Old Fart." Bakugo says with a little bit of playfulness infiltrating his tone and a small smile quirks onto Revovery girl's lips.

"Just sit down." She says with a dramatic sigh and the boy does as he's told. The bright room is welcoming with the older woman's presence but with almost any other doctor or nurse, it would feel much more cold. Bakugo feels at ease in this room and visits a couple times each month to fix his various wounds from training and his mother. "Now why were you outside for long enough you'd get sick?"

"Needed a breather. You know how it is, parents are fucking irritating. So I went on a long walk." The blond says it after a long pause and the nurse looks at him doubtfully but doesn't push the subject much to Bakugos relief

"Language." The old woman chastises. A soft sigh slips past her lips. "Alright, I can fix you up but you gotta take it easy today. I won't be doing this next time you get sick. And boy, you need a break."

The old woman quickly kisses the blond boys head and the boys pained body begins to heal. Each lashing that broke skin healing without so much as a scar and bruises turning yellow then disappearing to nothing. Although it takes longer, the boy's fever begins to dissipate as well and some color returns to his cheeks.

"Thanks Recovery girl." The blond boy says while stretching. He let's out a yawn and after waving a small goodbye to the nurse, he heads to class somehow managing to arrive before most of his class get there. The only people being Iida, Momo, and his childhood friend Izuku.

Shinsou slowly strides to class. He makes each step as slow as possible to try and put off his eventual introduction to the class. His mind wanders to the angry blond boy from last night and his brows crease in worry. What had he been doing soaked with his belongings outside the dorms? Why had he been so angry at Shinsou and why did he seem so spooked? The boy couldn't figure it out. His mind suddenly recalls the blue tank top that clung to the well muscled chest of Bakugo Katsuki and the insomniac blushes. He composes himself and nervousness fills him as he reaches the doors of class 1-A 6 minutes late.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I really like it even though it's another sorta filler chapter. There are likely to be a handful of spelling errors due to me writing this chapter on my phone so apologies for that. See you next chapter!

-Love Saturn

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