Chapter Seven: Poke the Bear

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I didn't realize she would be bringing Thomas to our dinner. I mean at least I gave her a heads up about Holden going, the least she could have done was give me a warning.

Not only was I unprepared for this dinner socially, but I was the awkwardest one there. Holden, Aero, and Thomas were able to have a decent conversation together while I sat awkwardly and quietly. It made me want to puke.

"That's really cool, I didn't know people could actually surf waves that big," Aero laughed while responding to Holdens story.

"Nah it's so gnarly, we'll all have to go together sometime!" Holden said shoving his mouth with spaghetti.

"I've never been surfing, but it's  on the bucket list for sure," Thomas said.

Aero laughed a little more and looked at me as she said, "I can NOT imagine Parker surfing...or doing any sports for that matter."

They all laughed as I rolled my eyes.

"Hey I do sports," I defended immediately. "I played a little basketball when I was younger!"

"Ohhhh a basketball man?" Holden smirked at me.

"If you say so," Aero laughed.

"It's alright," Holden began sweetly. "We'll get you out on the water one way or another."

He brushed my cheek with his hand and winked at me. I showed a somewhat fake smile in return and then continued to eat. Holden wore a striped shirt with a long collar flapped down making me wonder if he was cold at all in this fall weather. Aero and Thomas both wore light sweaters, you know, articles of clothing that made more sense for the temperature outside.

"So what about you two, how did you guys meet? Parker has barely told me anything!" Holden asked looking across the table at them.

I had in fact told him shockingly little about my life. It's not exactly a happy story and Holden did most of the talking anyway.

Aero and Thomas exchanged an uncomfortable glance before saying anything. I bet they wondered how much information was too much.

"We met here at the college," Aero explained lightly. "A nice little frat party, you know, the typical meeting place of students."

Holden put his hand on his chest as he laughed.

I wondered how much longer this meal would last.

"It's so nice that you guys found each other though," Holden began on a more serious note. "Being alone in school can be scary. I'm glad Parker and I found each other when we did."

He placed his hand on my knee and smiled happily at me.

"Cheers to that then," Thomas said raising his cup.

I was the last to lift mine up but we clanked them together and each took a sip.

It annoyed me even more that Thomas and Holden were getting along. I could tell when they first got here that there was some sort of tension between Thomas and Aero but they still played the part of the perfect dinner guests.

"It hasn't been easy getting this guy to open up!" Holden exclaimed while pointing at me. "But whenever he's ready, I'll be ready to listen. It's always exciting to get to know someone new."

I continued to eat as they talked about me like I wasn't there.

"Sometimes it takes some people longer to open up than others," Aero said sounding a little sarcastic.

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