Chapter 17: Aero, GO

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Holden continued to scream at me as he hit me with his water bottle.

"Jesus fuck!" I yelled out as he screamed at me.

"I talked to Mary-Elizbeth and she told me you went to the traffic light party the other night!"

Well fuck.

He took a break from hitting me and threw the water bottle at the wall.

"Why did you lie to me?" I yelled close to my face.

I lowered my arms as he crowded my personal space.

"Because I knew you'd be upset!" I answered honestly.

I had shown back up to our room after my meeting with Cole and he was ready to fight me.

"Parker it's like you want me to be mad at you!" he fumed.

"That's not true," I claimed defensively. "I-I'm sorry I lied Holden."

He pushed me back with his hands causing me to stumble back a little. I swallowed hard and anxiously looked at how angry he was.

''Anything else you want to tell me?" He asked angrily.

I was so not in the mood for this that I snapped back at him.

I had been so emotional from seeing Cole and then having Holden yell at me that I couldn't filter myself.

"Actually yeah. The night of that party I fucked the fuck out of my ex-boyfriend!''

His mouth fell agape and his cheeks burned bright red.

I took a moment to try and catch my breath.

Did I actually just say that out loud?

I couldn't even flinch before he took a step forward and punched me across the face.

I spit out the blood that pooled in my mouth and then looked back at him.

He came another step closer only this time he pressed his mouth against mine to kiss.

I pulled away confused but he just pulled me back towards him and continued to kiss me.

He pushed me down back onto my bed and fell on top of me.

"Holden what–" I tried to speak but he kept cutting me off by covering my mouth with his.

As I felt him begin to try and take off my clothes he pulled his lips away from mine to say, "You're going to shut the fuck up and do what you're told–or I'm going to fucking kill you."


"I don't understand..." I whispered back into the phone.

"It's pretty damn simple. You can choose one of them to save. I'll tell you their locations but you'll only have time to go to one of them—and here's the kicker, you won't know who you've chosen to save until you get there! Then ya know, the other one you didn't choose brutely dies!"

My mind was spiraling trying to understand him. I could barely hold it together.

"And if you call the police I'll kill both of them. See how this works now?" He laughed at me.

"I– I can't make that choice..." I stuttered.

"Well, it's either you choose one location or you lose them both."

I pulled the phone away from my mouth as I couldn't hold in my cry any longer.

I saw my burner phone light up on my desk and looked to see a text from Fred's number.

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