Chapter 15: Hey...can we talk?

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"Seriously I've never felt so weird in my life," Holden said rubbing his eyes. "This is like a hangover times ten."

I sat close to him on his bed and nodded as he spoke.

"You don't feel sick or anything?" He added looking at me curiously.

I shook my head and answered, "No I feel fine. I wonder if you have the stomach bug or something."

He shrugged his shoulders and yawned. I kept my breaths slow as I thought about last night. All I could think about was Cole.

"Did you stay here with me all night? I don't remember anything from last night," he chuckled a little and stood up to stretch.

I gulped nervously and instantly responded.

"Yeah, I mean someone had to stay and watch over you."

I added a smirk to try and convince him.

"Man so you stayed here all night to take care of me?" He asked walking over to stand between my legs.

He placed his hands on my shoulders and looked down at me with a smile.

I smiled back and answered, "Of course."

Flashes of Cole's body against mine ran through my head. If Holden knew what I was thinking I think he'd actually kill me.

He leaned down and gave me a peck on the lips before letting go of me again.

"So what are you doing today?" He asked as he threw on a white shirt.

"I was—" I began but he cut me off right away.

"Well I was thinking we could go get lunch and then go to the beach!"

I thought about how I could be with Cole right now but instead I was stuck here. Cole is only here for a short amount of time and all I wanted was to be with him.

"Hello?" Holden snapped when I didn't answer right away.

"Sorry," I quickly apologized. "...that sounds great."

"Perfect!" He smiled.

He turned away from me and I took that moment to roll my eyes and release a deep breath.

"What was that?" Holden snapped his head around quickly.

"What?" I asked defensively.

He immediately turned red in his cheeks and looked at me intensely.

"You just rolled your eyes at me," he stated boldly.

"What? No I didn't," I claimed nervously biting the inside of my cheek.

He took a few steps towards me and snapped, "I saw you in the fucking mirror! Why did you roll your eyes?"

I found myself speechless and embarrassed. He just kept staring at me wide eyed waiting for a response.

"I don't know, I'm sorry."

He walked up to me as I froze in place. I didn't know what he planned to do.

"Look at me," he sternly grabbed my chin to make me look up at him. "Did you have a better idea of what to do today? Huh? No? Yeah I didn't think so."

I held my breath so he wouldn't feel my nervousness. I just wanted us to move on already.

"We already missed out on having a good time last night so don't ruin today for us. Unless you want me to have bad?"

"No, of course, I don't want you to have a bad day," I told him in a quiet tone.

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