14. Dabble

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That weekend was a pleasant one for Clae. Her father was in town for a meeting with one of his clients. He was a reporter for an art magazine and therefore his job often required him to travel. It was rare that she got to see him these days. The two ate lunch on Saturday and Clae gave him a tour of the school. They went to a local art gallery in the afternoon and then on Sunday they breakfasted early together before he headed out. Clae was just finishing her plate of eggs and bacon when her father leaned in curiously.

"So, have you gotten to know many vampires so far?" he asked.

Clae swallowed her last bite and shrugged, chewing. "A few. There are three in my year. I wouldn't say I'm close with any of them, but we get along just fine."

"I see," he said, fingering his beard. "Is it very strange to be living around them and going to classes together?"

"Not really. Sometimes they have to go to the clinic to take their blood shots. And giving blood all the time is a little bit of a pain for us humans. Other than that, they're pretty normal."

She couldn't tell him about Jasper, or what Lena had explained to her that night. Her father had been reluctant to allow her to go to Cellof Academy in the first place and she didn't want to make him worry.

"So they don't, you know, try to bite you?" he asked anxiously.

"Oh no," Clae said, waving the notion away as if it was ludicrous. "Everyone is very polite. I know a few interracial couples, and I guess the vampires in those relationships do, but it sounds like it's very affectionate."

"Oh boy. Please tell me you aren't dating a vampire!"

"Geez dad, I went to this school for my education, not to get hitched."

He laughed. "I know, but I met your mother in college, that's all I'm saying. I just worry about you there. But it sounds like they really do take care of their human students. I'm glad."

They left the restaurant and her father took a taxi to the airport. Clae sighed. If it hadn't been for Jasper, everything she had said just then would have been true. The thought of him trying to hypnotize her gave her an uncomfortable plunging feeling so she tried to ignore this thought. She headed back to the Academy, thinking that she could get some work done in the lab and then go to the spa after lunch as a small reward to herself for making it halfway through the semester. She was almost to her building when, seemingly out of nowhere, Jasper and Reginald appeared before her. She stopped dead. Her reactions around these two were extremely edgy at the moment. She considered turning around and walking the other way but of course they had already seen her.

"Good evening, my beautiful Claetta," Jasper crooned in that voice that made her blood run cold. "And how are you this wonderful day?"

"Fine thanks," Clae said stiffly, walking towards them.

"On the way to work? Why don't you come enjoy a nightcap with us instead?" Jasper teased as she drew level with them.

"I don't think so," Clae said quickly. "Have a good evening."

"Going so soon?" Jasper asked and to her horror he reached out an arm to block her way past. "We've hardly had any words."

"I don't think there's much to say," Clae said, glaring up at him. "It's pretty late for you right? Sleep well."

"Honestly," Jasper said and then he moved his hand up to brush the line of her chin, resting a finger ever so lightly upon her neck. Clae felt a shudder run through her.

"It would be nice to have a little snack before bed," he said softly and his hand started to grip her neck.

"Hey Jas, let's turn in, this is boring," Reginald said suddenly, coming up beside them.

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