45. Attack

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Lena was off today. She had decided to go for a walk on the beach to clear her head. It had been a complicated few weeks. Between Alina and the rest of her family, she could hardly find any sort of comfort and relief in her situation. She worked nearly every night, managing to relax minimally in the undemanding company of the consistent regulars at her bar. It was nice that school would be starting soon and she would be busier, she would have less time to think. Anymore, her days off were the worst. She didn't know how to fill her time now that she no longer could talk to Clae or even just think about her. Every time the girl floated across her mind, she banished the thought as quickly as she became aware of it. She refused to dwell in what she had done. It was over, that was that. But for some reason banishing the images of Clae seemed to be getting harder, not easier. Sometimes she longed to see her or hear her voice so badly it was painful.

And so she had begun walking for hours on end on her nights off. One day in one direction of the shore, the next time in the other. She visited some of the old places she had once gone as a kid with her grandmother to harvest herbs. Rooster Cove was perhaps her favorite. She had spent a couple of nice evenings out there recently, just wandering around. She was headed that way tonight in fact. Lost in thought, she hadn't gone more than a quarter mile before she suddenly became aware that something felt off. Despite the fact that it was after sunset and the only other people she had seen were a group of sniggering teenagers a little ways back, she felt like she wasn't alone. But glancing around, she saw no one in the vicinity, just the teenagers way back throwing rocks into the waves.

She kept going, but her awareness was heightened now. She couldn't help it. She had learned years ago to trust her instincts and she had never let go of the habit. For a time, she didn't sense anything. Then she felt a lingering unease starting to build. It kept getting more and more pungent, like she was getting closer to the source of a smell, or a smell was getting closer to her. Finally she couldn't take it anymore and she whirled around. But there was nothing. Or at least nothing obvious. The shadows by the cypress trees over there didn't quite look right.

Maybe it was just someone else going for a walk. Maybe it was a creeper. Or maybe, just maybe she knew this feeling, however well concealed the perpetrator intended himself to be. She considered her options. If this really was what she thought, there was no one and nothing to prevent it from going fully bad this time. She didn't bother to wonder how Jasper had found her here, or how he even knew she'd be in this town. She just did what she knew she had to do. She turned and walked back towards the trees. It would be better to confront this head on in her opinion.

"Stalking really becomes you," she announced into the darkness.

There was a moment when everything was still. Then Jasper emerged from behind the trees, Reginald in tow. She was slightly surprised to see the second pureblood there, but also not particularly intimidated. Reginald looked like he wasn't in any condition to fight, on the contrary, he looked sick.

"I prefer to think of it as retribution," Jasper said softly. Now that he had been discovered, his pureblood powers were strong about him. Lena could practically feel him quivering with rage.

She took a deep breath and focused her own powers, heightening her awareness, preparing to strike. There didn't seem to be much sense in trying to prevent this. Jasper didn't look like he wanted anything prevented. But she would give it a try.

"You really think this is a good idea? Did daddy give you his blessing?"

There was a rushing sensation as Jasper threw his hypnotism towards her so intensely, she didn't have time to fully block it. The glancing blow hit her and she doubled over, as though she had been punched in the stomach. She had never felt the effects of hypnosis this strong before now and they were intense. A weakening sensation threatened to overcome her for a moment before she righted herself.

"He doesn't need to know about any of this," Jasper hissed with rage. He pulled something from his side, a long knife. Lena focused on it for a moment and then stared up at him.

"An assassin's knife," she said, feeling her blood chilling. "Father's I assume. I've seen it used before. So that's your plan? You'll eliminate me and then father will be forced to name you his heir instead of me?"

The question got the reaction she had been hoping for. Jasper gaped at her in disbelief. Then he hardened again. "You're lying," he said coolly. "I am his heir. I always have been his heir."

"Sadly, you might want to ask him about that. Or just ask Reg here, he knows all about it."

Jasper turned sharply on his comrade. Reginald flinched, his eyes on the assassin's blade. Lena felt a slight twinge for throwing her future husband under the bus, but hell if Jasper lost control and murdered him, she wouldn't have to marry him at least.

"What is she talking about?" Jasper shot at Reginald.

"It's-it's-" he stammered but didn't seem to be able to speak.

Jasper turned back to Lena, dark fury all about him. "If this is the case, then eliminating you would be the best plan of action. I was merely going to teach you a lesson before, but now."

Lena took a few steps forward. "Have you ever killed someone brother? I think you'll find it isn't as satisfying as you expect."

Jasper didn't respond to that one. He certainly seemed to be in a conundrum. Suddenly Lena made her move. She was close enough now to exact a strike. Sharpening her powers, she lashed out at him and dealt him an electrifying blow. However, he had moved at the same time, lunging towards her. She spun out of his reach and out of reach of the knife. Jasper grunted in pain as her blow glanced against him but didn't stop coming at her. She was immersed in his powerful miasma at their close proximity, but she still had her wits about her. She focused again and sent a burst of power towards him. This time it hit him head on and he gasped, the knife flying out of his grip. Lena didn't focus on this but instead came in close and kicked him in the face. He yelped and grabbed his nose. But then with a sudden burst of energy he leapt at her, managing to seize her left arm in a terrifying grasp.

"No!" she grunted, attempting to spin free. But he had her too tight.

Jasper panted and then grinned evilly at his success. "You bitch," he said. "I'll enjoy making you pay."

Suddenly there was a shout from behind them. "Jas, look out!"

"Huh?" Jasper said but too late. Someone else had lunged at him, the discarded blade in hand and was driving it towards his arm.

Jasper shrieked as the blade made shallow contact with the back of his left hand and flung himself away, dropping Lena in the process. Lena stared around, befuddled. Her eyes widened in surprise.

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