22. Seconds

9 0 0

They made it back to the dorms and both stopped.

"Well, I suppose this is goodnight," Lena declared, dropping her hand. "Sleep well."

She turned and started towards the Vampire Dorm. Clae bit her tongue. Once again, she felt she didn't want this to end. "Lena," she said suddenly, stopping the girl.

"What is it?" Lena asked, sounding wary.

Clae breathed out deeply. She wanted to phrase this right. The alcohol was clouding her slightly but also giving her courage. "Are you sure?" was all she managed to get out.

Lena frowned at her, coming back a few steps. "You want to stay up for seconds?" she asked doubtfully.

"No, not that. I mean, you're sure there's nothing-well like-nothing here, with us?" she stammered, blushing.

Lena glanced away from her. "What do you mean?" she asked, but avoided Clae's gaze.

Clae glared at her for a second and then she decided that she was angry enough and drunk enough to act. She walked straight up to Lena, leaned in and kissed her straight on the mouth. Lena seemed frozen for a moment. She didn't respond. But then her lips melted slightly and the sensation deepened. It was with reluctance that Clae pulled away.

Lena didn't meet her eyes for a time, but then she looked at her full on. "I-I can't," she said, taking a step back.

Clae took a step towards her in turn. "Why not?"

"I-" Lena licked her lips. "I just-,"

Clae moved forwards and kissed her again. This time Lena didn't resist. Her arms snaked around her body up her back. Clae's tongue probed into her mouth and she felt a jolt as she made contact with Lena's abnormally long canines.

"Oh," she gasped, pulling away for a moment.

She was sure Lena smiled. "Damn you," she said, breathing deeply.

"Is it so terrible?" Clae asked, moving her hands over Lena's shoulders.

"I was really trying to get you to back off," Lena said, nuzzling her neck softly.

"What are you talking about? You just asked me out for drinks."

"Yeah, that wasn't my greatest idea," Lena conceded and Clae's skin prickled where she breathed on her.

Clae sighed into her. Fuck, if this wasn't going to happen, she was going to go crazy. "Lena," she said softly. "Please fucking bite me."

Lena stiffened. "What, here?" she said incredulously.

"I don't know, somewhere!" Clae insisted.

"Damn you. Come on. Lydia won't be in, it's the middle of the night. Back to my room."

Clae nodded eagerly. She followed Lena around the back the way they had gone before. There was hardly anyone about. When they got to Lena's room Clae could barely contain herself. She wanted to do everything at once but Lena was stiff and unyielding.

"We shouldn't do this," she said as Clae moved in close to her. "Nothing good is going to come of this."

"How are you so sure?" Clae asked, at a loss for what was holding her back. "I've never felt like this around anyone before. It's too good to waste."

"You're naïve. Spending time with a pureblood is dangerous. Even if I never harm you by losing control, taking your blood over and over will shorten your life in the end, and lengthen mine. We're both biologists. It's parasitism, short and simple."

"I'm not asking you to marry me. I'm not asking you for anything you don't want. But can you honestly say you'd be happy just forgetting about this? I don't think I will be."

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