52. Revelation

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They of course had to return to Cesowak first, to return the mountain of books Clae had checked out of the library. Then they took a connecting train inland, back to the city. Lena used the travel time to make several rounds of phone calls and emails, including one to her uncle Mare, who could not have been more pleased and supportive to hear of her recent revelation regarding her heritage.

"I'll prepare everything as you say. See you in a couple of days my dear," he said as they clicked off.

She then spent several hours writing up letters, which she would send to each member of the Vampire Council in due course. By the time she was done coordinating her plan, she was exhausted. She slept curled up next to Clae in their moderately comfortable train chairs for a couple of hours until they arrived back in the city. Clae's father was surprised to see them show up at his flat.

"I thought you girls were vacationing on the coast," he said as he quickly sliced bread and began to fry eggs for them as a late breakfast.

"Long story," Clae said. "We actually need to visit Lena's family tomorrow. There's a bit of a situation."

"Nothing serious, I hope?" Merel inquired in concern.

"I hope not," Lena said. "We'll find out."

It was the day before her scheduled coronation when they took a cab to the Cois estate. Lena was nervous, mostly about Clae coming with her, but also about what she was about to do. But there was no holding back now. Most of the letters had been sent when they arrived in the city. There were just two more to deliver, and they would be by hand.

"Look, if anything weird happens, you use that dagger as needed, ok?" Lena said, referring to the weapon Clae had concealed under her jacket. "I don't think they would dare attack after they hear what we have to say, but I can't guarantee it."

Clae nodded. She looked nervous but determined. They rang at the entrance and were admitted. They made the long walk up to the front door and one of the household servants showed them in and led them upstairs to a large living room space. Inside were arrayed all the people she had asked Uncle Mare to gather. It was almost a laughable arrangement, as though they were all posing for some sort of old fashion painting. Tarus was front and center, accompanied by the hostile form of Maragetta, seated in two winged armchairs that put her in mind of thrones. To their left, Jasper, Reginald and Reginald's father Lord Mertele were all occupying sofas and loveseats, looking uncomfortable. On the right side, Uncle Mare was taking up an entire long sofa, looking quite at ease, swirling a glass of wine. He was the only one who stood when they entered and certainly the sole member of the family who greeted her warmly, embracing her and then politely introducing himself to Clae as well.

Behind them, Tarus coughed. "Welcome back daughter. If you could make this brief, we all have busy schedules to attend to later this evening."

Lena forced herself not to glare and to even smile, just as Clae was doing. "Thank you for gathering everyone here Uncle Mare. I'll do my best to keep to the timeframe we agreed to father. But I think you'll all want to hear what we have to say. By the way, this is Clae, my girlfriend."

This proclamation elicited a variety of interesting responses. Jasper audibly snorted, while Reginald merely looked away from them as though they were embarrassing. Lord Mertele looked shocked and a little disgusted. Maragetta's eyes narrowed in dislike, while Tarus, ever the politician, failed to show any reaction. Clae stepped forwards and gave them all a cheery wave. "Pleasure to meet you. Good to see you classmates. It's been far too long since the beach trip. I hope that cut on your hand is healing ok Jas," She added to Jasper and Reginald, both of whom looked uncomfortable at this pronouncement.

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