36. Solstice

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She arrived at the station early in the afternoon. Yawning, she disembarked the train and gazed around for a taxi. It had been a long time since she had been here. The bustle and heat were unsettling after her month on the calm and cool coastline. She took a cab to her hotel, which was about a mile away from her father's estate. She napped until sunset, the showered, changed into an appropriate evening dress of dark maroon, did up her hair slightly, and attempted to mentally prepare. She hadn't been to one of these parties since before her mom had died. It was going to be a shock, no doubt and not just for her. She wondered what they would all think to see her of all vampires back again nearly a decade later. But she wasn't going to be intimidated, just as Alina had said. She was going to own the night.

She took a cab to the estate, her heart beating just slightly harder than usual but her mind cool and in control. Her biggest dread was having to see Jasper and Reginald and some of the other pureblood offspring, who were ever judgmental and scathing towards her place in this society. But she wasn't a little kid anymore, she could take whatever criticism they had to throw at her.

The cab dropped her off at the front gate and she presented her invitation to the guard, who admitted her. She walked to the house, though this was rather an understatement. It was a mansion of epic proportion, five stories tall without counting the attic space, and also contained a wine cellar below it. A magnificent garden bloomed about the grounds, the only part Lena had ever really enjoyed about this place, even as a kid. Though exploring the mansion had been fun in her youth, she had rather lost her appetite for it after she had witnessed the grisly scene of her uncle and his wife's demise.

The first family member she met was her paternal grandmother. A beauty even in her latter years, but with a decidedly made-up look to her, as though she tried to hard to appear young. She looked surprised to see her illegitimate granddaughter, but took it in stride. She acknowledged Lena as she ever had, giving her a quick obligatory kiss on the cheek and greeting her as though she was just another guest in the sea of them already accumulating in the entry hall. Lena didn't pay her much mind. She doubted the two of them had ever said more than ten words to each other. Like most of the family, she probably enjoyed pretending that Lena didn't exist.

The exception to this was the large man slightly to the left of the door who was holding a glass of red wine and laughing at something another vampire nearby had said. Still with mirth in his eyes, he turned to set his glass down on a raised table, saw Lena and his jaw dropped open.

"Lena!" he cried in a rich northern accent, walking towards her and wrapping her into a tight bearhug.

"Uncle Mare," Lena said, smiling despite herself. She had forgotten her uncle would be here.

Mare released her and looked her up and down. "You've grown to be a beauty my girl. How long has it been? Ah, yes I remember." His dark eyes became sad. "Liana's funeral. I was so saddened by her death. How are you holding up?"

"I'm well, so is Alina. She sends her regards."

"Good, good I'm glad to hear you are both well. Gosh I didn't expect to see you tonight! To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Father invited me actually," Lena explained, but left it at that.

Mare, who was Tarus's much younger brother, frowned at her in intrigue. "I see. Well, we must catch up." He glanced towards the main ballroom. "Well, I suppose you have to go make your appearance first. But find me later, alright?"

"Sure thing," Lena said as he kissed the top of her head and she headed towards the ballroom.

It was tradition to be announced at such events, an old custom built from pureblood social practices, few of which still existed in modern times. But her father had always loved the traditionally lavish lifestyle of purebloods. Ironically, Lena was probably one of less than a dozen purebloods here tonight, but when the herald announced her to the entire room, the reception was at once confused, surprised and in a few select cases such as Jasper and Maragetta, furious. She had seen it all before and back then, she had actually cared what they all thought. But today it hardly bothered her. She strolled over to the open bar an ordered a wine, just to have something to do. Apart from wishing to catch up with Mare, her only plan tonight was to confront Tarus. But of course she would need to wait for all the chatter and posturing to die down a bit.

She ate some food from the buffet, which was all incredible. Everything was expensive and extravagant. She could have stuffed herself, drank to her heart's content, danced, toured the garden, but she had no interest in pleasantries. She located Tarus as he made his rounds through the crowd. Taller than Mare and slightly gray now in the beard, he was an unmistakable presence. He met her gaze and smiled curtly at her but didn't approach. Instead she walked out onto the long balcony and found Mare there, beaming at her.

"I've missed you my dear. It's been too long," he said clinking his glass to hers. "I can't believe you're old enough to drink and attend the Academy. Tarus tells me you're a guardian as well. Please, tell me all about it."

Hesitantly at first, but slowly becoming more relaxed, Lena began to describe her time at Cellof Academy, leaving out the more intense details for now. Mare had always been her favorite relative on this side of her family. Though they didn't see each other often, he would call her from time to time, or send her something amusing in the post. He was the only one of them all who didn't frown when they saw her, or pretend she wasn't there. He and his elder brother were so opposite, it had always befuddled her that they could be brothers.

"Well it sounds like things are going well for you there," Mare said after she had finished. "But what about friends? You haven't mentioned a single other person. Please tell me you aren't still a loner."

Lena flushed slightly at the insinuation. It was true she had often been a loner in the past. Notorious in the vampire world for being an illegitimate offspring, she had always been ostracized. But things had changed now. "I've got a few friends, a couple of redbloods and a couple of humans. We're in the same departments, there's only 12 people in our class so we're pretty close."

"And?" Mare asked expectantly. "What about a special someone?"

Lena couldn't help but blush. "Yeah, I've got someone like that too now," she mumbled.

Mare smiled. "You really have grown up little Lena. I'm happy for you." He took a sip from his glass and gazed out at the garden which was lit with little fairy lights. "Though I must admit, I'm surprised Tarus invited you to this party. What with the rumors flying around in this family and the Vampire Council, it seems to be curious timing."

Lena didn't answer. She wasn't sure how much to say. She had always trusted Mare because he had always been kind to her, and she desperately wanted an ally in this vampire pit should things go sour. Finally she said, "do some of those rumors involve me and Jasper?"

"They do," Mare said without hesitation. "From what I've gathered, Jasper assaulted two students this past semester and you brought this knowledge to Tarus's attention. Jasper was removed from classes for a time while a decision was reached about what to do."

"It's more than that," Lena said nervously. "Father...isn't sure about Jasper being his heir after all the bad stuff he's been doing."

Mare turned to stare at her with his dark gaze. "And he's trying to make you his heir instead?"

Lena nodded curtly. Mare let out a long breath. "Well, that's a surprise. But I suppose reputation has always been the most important thing to him. If he thinks Jasper is ruining the Cois reputation, he'll do whatever it takes to mend it. Don't get me wrong," he added apologetically. "I think you'd be a great heir, but I see this as a strategical move more than a heartfelt one."

Lena had worked that out for herself. She sighed. "What am I gonna do? I don't want to be his heir. He's given two shits about me my entire life."

"Well, there could be advantages. This blood line could certainly use some cleaning up. You'd be almost guaranteed a place on the Council at some point as well. That could certainly use some new blood."

Lena snorted. "So first I'm a bastard all my life and I get told to fuck off. Now I have to save our floundering family from destroying itself. I think I'd rather see it fall."

Mare chuckled. "You aren't the only one there my dear. But if there was a way to make it better without destroying it, that might be preferable."

At that moment, Tarus appeared in their midst, nodding to his younger brother and holding his hand out to Lena. "Forgive me brother, but let me borrow my daughter for a moment."

Mare nodded, squeezing Lena's shoulder reassuringly as she allowed herself to be led away.

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