Chapter 8 - The DJ

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Katie's P.O.V

"Why did you say 'yes' to him?" Corey frowned at me, lying on Mel's couch, looking like he wanted to be sick.
Mel asked me to come round, saying we'd just watch some films and girl talk, which I was down for, I really didn't mind, but she missed out the part that Corey had stayed the night, and was wearing a shirt, with just his underpants, lying on the couch, hugging a cushion, seeming internally on the edge.
I looked down at Corey, his hair tied back, as I stood on the other side of the coffee table from him. "Why not?" I asked.
Wrong answer.
"I'm so sick of hearing your name!" Corey cried out, before sitting up, swinging his legs to the floor, tossing the cushion back to where his head once lay. "He's my best friend! I love the man! I went to school with the guy! We've been through a whole lot together! I was more than happy to introduce you to each other, but you're all he ever talks about... 'Hey, Sid', 'You heard from Katie? She OK? Should I call her? I should call her! What if she's gonna call me?'. 'I can't hang. Waiting on Katie to call'. 'What kind of flowers does she like?'. 'Man, she's so cute! She's, like, obsessed with the '70s era, so I bought her an alarm clock for her room! Can you believe she didn't have a clock in her room?!'. 'Oh! She makes the best tomato sauce, from scratch! You tried it!?'. ARGH!" Corey pulled at his hair.

"Corey..." I walked round the table, taking a seat next to him. "Now you know what we all went through, when you met Melody." I placed a hand on his left shoulder.
He lowered his hands from his face and looked at me, sitting on his left. "I was like that?!"
Mel and I both nodded.
"And I was the same..." Mel admitted, standing next to the TV.
Corey fell onto his right side, head hitting the cushion. "I wanna be sick..."
"Yeah. One look at you and I get it..." I smirked, getting the finger from Corey, and a playful shove, having him sit back up. "We watching movies or what?" He asked.
"Yes!" Mel and I cheered, getting to making snacks and setting the mood for a romcom.

. . .

The plan was Shawn and Kelsey were hosting another party. It was just us lot, but Corey and I thought it was be funny to spread the word around, now a load of strangers were here, most of them still had to be in high school... Two guys were talking a third into asking a girl out. It's some teen drama movie shit!

I walked into the house, being greeted by Shawn and Corey laughing about how out of hand this party got.
"What up, boys?!" I smiled, placing a hand on each other shoulders.
"Katie!" Corey cheered. "Plan worked!"
"Oh, so you were in on this?!" Shawn laughed.
"Hey, we didn't invite the cast of Grease!" I held my hands up to that part.
Corey laughed, tipping his head back, with a clap of the hands. "I'll get you a drink." He smiled at me, excusing himself.
"As long as no kids OD, then we're all good." Shawn warned me, a smirk at his lips.
"I know. I know." I smiled, nodding at him. "Is, uh..." I looked around the living room doorway.
"DJing... He's on the deck, outside." Shawn just knew.
I grinned and hurried through the living room and out the back doors, weaving my way through the party guests.

"-Playing my shit! Take your high school playlist somewhere else!" Sid called to some jock looking motherfucker.
The kid scoffed, shaking his head at Sid, before walking by me.
Sid smiled, seeing me, as he watched the jock leave. "Hey!"
"Hey!" I walked over to him.
"Get up here!" He offered me his hand, pulling me onto his little stage.
We shared a kiss, before he worked his magic.
"You wanna try?" He asked me.
"No way! I'll break something." I laughed at myself, standing a step behind him, to his left.
"Nah, you won't! Come 'ere!" He snaked an arm around my waist, having me stand in front of him. "Hands." He took my hands in his and showed me what to do.
He had me scratch at the record, while pushing a couple of buttons, with my left hand, keeping me close to him.
"You got it..." He smiled in my left ear.
I glanced back at him. "This is your thing! Not mine." I smiled.
"You're a natural!" He grinned, taking back control, keeping me next to him.
"'Ey, baby!" Jim called out to me, coming over, holding two red cups, like you see in the movies.
"Baby?" Sid frowned, looking in Jim's direction.
"Long story." I told him, before I stepped off the stage, meeting Jim halfway.

"Drink for the lady." He gave me a cup, with a chuckle.
"Thanks, man!" I took it, taking a sip. "Fuck is this?!" I gagged, but not turning it away.
"Mostly whiskey." Jim smirked, being a whiskey drinker, taking a sip from his cup. "Mine's pure."
"Bleh!" I joked, though the drink wasn't terrible. Whiskey and coke...
"I've not seen you in a while! How's everything?" He asked me, pulling me aside for a catch up.
"Eh, same old. Just a lot happier now." I nodded back to Sid.
"Yeah... He does not shut up about you!" Jim laughed, making me laugh.
"Dude, I'm the same! He's the best thing in the world!" I smiled.
"Hey, I'm glad to see you smiling!" Jim smiled. "How's Cortney? She doing good?"
"Mum's great! Same as usual. Busy with work, keeping a roof over our heads... Still don't know what it is I wanna do, and I know I should be looking for a job, but Sid's got all these plans, and urgh! I can't say 'no'!" I smiled.
Jim laughed. "It's not much of a job, but could do with an extra person on register at the mask shop, if you fancy doing that?"
"Dude, you serious?! That would be amazing!" I smiled.
Jim was the owner of a shop in town. He made and sold masks and other things, like decorations and his own clothing pieces, like jackets and shirts with the shop logo on them. Business was booming for the man!
"Stop by tomorrow! I'll show you what to do!" Jim smiled.
"Thank you!" I hugged him tight, finally having been given a chance.

"Sid looks pissed." Jim frowned, hugging me back.
I looked back at Sid, worried, seeing him focused solely on his music.
He had his headphone on, while before they were just round his neck, and he seemed to be ignoring everyone around him.
"I'll catch you later..." I mumbled to Jim, before going back to Sid. "Hey." I placed a hand on his left shoulder.
He glanced back at me, before going back to his music.
"Sid?!" I moved the headphones from his left ear. "You OK?"
"I'm fine! Why wouldn't I be?! I got the girl of my dreams and other guys are calling her 'baby'!" He held a sarcastic smile, his eyes dark, unhappy.
"Whoa... Sid, Jim's just my friend. He's dating Cristina!" I reminded him.
"He called you 'baby'!" Sid turned to look at me, frowning hard. "Why's he calling you that?! I've got time for a long ass story!"
"Sid, you're being a jerk!" I frowned at him.
"Sid, calm down, man!" Joey called from over to the left. "You're making a scene!"
"What does he call you?" Sid ignored Joey, asking about him. "What does Corey call you? Mick? Craig? Chris?! What about Paul?! Huh?! You their 'baby' as well?" He asked me.
I shoved my drink into his hands and walked off his stage, going back into the house, leaving the party.

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