Chapter 3 - Starscream

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Katie's P.O.V - Seven Years Ago

"So, you're friends with this DJ guy?" I asked Corey Taylor, as he and his girlfriend, Melody Baker, dragged me out of the house for the night.
"Yeah. His name is Sid. I'll introduce you guys after his set." Corey called over the noise of the current DJ playing.
"OK." I nodded, holding his shoulders, as Melody lead the way to the front of the stage, with Corey between us, holding her hand.
"Why do you want me to meet him so bad?" I asked over the noise.
"What?!" Corey looked back at me, pulling me close in order to hear me.
"Why did you want me to meet him so bad?" I asked again, close to his ear.
"He saw you at Shawn's house party, and asked for me to introduce him to you, but you left before we got the chance." Corey smiled at me.
"He was at the party?! That was two weeks ago!" I laughed.
"And we're still just recovering from it!" Corey joked, making me laugh harder.
The current DJ's set ended and the crowd cheered.
"Alright, Sid's up next!" Corey cheered for his friend.

Melody pulled me close to her. "You'll love it. I know this kinda music isn't your thing, but Sid's good at what he does." She grinned.
"OK..." I smiled, as a masked man walked out into the stage. "Shit." I stared at him.
A gas mask, black overalls, and his own logo, being of his mask with cross bones under it.
DJ Starscream, huh?
"You guys really setting me up with him, right now?" I asked her.
"Yes." She nodded, as the first song started.
Unlike the guy before, Sid actually looked like he was making music, rather than just playing it and hyping it up.
He had a supportive crowd, all jumping and dancing along.
I hung tight with Mel and Corey trying to not get an elbow to the back of the head, or beer spilt onto us.

. . .

Corey's purple hair matched with Melody's bright red hair. It was kinda funny, as neither one planned it.
I followed the duo towards the bar, where Corey got us each a drink. We were just waiting on this 'Sid' at this point, as the show was over, DJ Starscream being the last to play.
As Melody was asking me for my thoughts on the show, a guy sneaked up behind Corey and grabbed him, like they were posing for a prom picture.
"You fuck!" Corey laughed, elbowing the guy in the ribs.
"Fucker!" The guy laughed, cradling his side.
"Hey, Sid!" Mel smiled, giving the guy a hug in greeting.

Sid... Fairly tall, some tattoos, blue-grey eyes, wearing a open plaid shirt, showing off his chest piece, with blue jeans and black converse... I like.

"Sid, this is Katie. Katie, this is Sid." Corey smiled, an arm over Sid's shoulders, as the two smiled at me.
"Hi." I gave him a still wave.
"Hey." He smiled brightly.
"He's been dying to meet you." Mel wasn't helping the situation.
Sid look down nervously, having been outed, so I decided to take a chance.
"Can't blame you. I mean, I look fucking great tonight." I smiled. I was wearing blue jeans, with a red and white striped tank top, that had 'Vicious' written on it, in black, along with faux leather cream coloured boots, with my red bowler hat.
Mel held a hand over her mouth, stepping back, internally screaming, while Corey and Sid smiled impressed.
"How about we go somewhere more quiet, so I can get to know you?" Sid asked me.
"Sure." I smiled, with a shrug.
He took my left hand and lead the way out the club, letting me pass Melody my drink before we had left.

We walked out into the night air, where he put his arm around my shoulders, keeping me close to him, as we walked a little down the street.
Some girls saw him and started squealing, talking to themselves, which Sid just ignored, giving them a tight lipped smile.
"Didn't think DJing would result in attention like that." I smiled up at him.
"I'm a good looking guy, so why not?" He teased, before stopping at a car. "Wanna go for a ride?"
"Yeah, sure." I smiled, trusting him, due to Corey vowing to kick his ass should he hurt me in anyway.
He opened the passenger door for me, letting me climb in, before he shut the door and walked round the car, climbing into the drivers seat. He put the heaters on, letting them get going, before he started up the car and started pulling out his parking spot.

"Corey says you're from England?" He asked me.
"Yeah, born and raised." I smiled.
"My folks are British too, but I were born here." He told me. "What brought you here?"
"Long story..." I cringed at myself.
"Wanna talk about it?" Sid offered.
"Just my parents... Dad wasn't a good guy in the end, and mum packed our shit, running as far away as she could from him, bringing us here." I toned it down quite a bit.
"Fuck, I'm sorry... He's gone though, right? Like, I don't have to kick his ass or anything, do I?" Sid lightened the mood.
I laughed. "He's no idea where we are..." I smiled.
"Good... I saw you at Clown's party, the other week... I really wish I just approached you there." Sid seemed to curse himself internally for missing out.
"Corey was saying." I smiled. "I hadn't washed my hair that night, I'm kinda glad we're meeting now."
Sid laughed. "You looked great... And you look amazing tonight."
I blushed, not used to getting compliments on my appearance.
"How you know Corey and Mel?" He asked me next.
"Mel and I went to school together. It's through her I know Corey, and him and I just clicked. Like, I swear we were twins in a past life or something." We both laughed. "Then, through them, I met the others."
"Think we'll be seeing more of each other?" Sid asked, a smirk at his lips.
"Oh yeah... Tonight will determine how close we get, though." I smiled at him.
"Game on." Sid smirked, before he seemed to put his foot down.

. . .

We were sat in his car, out in the middle of nowhere, just the two of us.
We had been talking and laughing, enjoying each others company, for what didn't feel like too long at all, when Sid looked at the clock.
"Fuck, it's three in the morning." He stared at the numbers.
"Shit..." I smiled.
We looked at each other, starting to smile brighter.
"I should get you home..." He spoke softly.
"I don't wanna go... I like it with you." I lost all train of thought, just being open.
"Glad you feel the same." He smiled at me.
I hadn't realised we were both leaning in, until our lips met.
Soft and delicate, he placed a hand on my cheek, bringing me closer, while my right hand held around his neck, bringing him closer to me.

We pulled apart, needing air, though keeping close to each other.
"I should get you home... I don't want your mom worrying." He whispered.
"Yeah..." I frowned, eyes closed, not wanting this to end.
"Hey, look at me." He lifted my chin, having me open my eyes. "I'm going to see you again... We're going to do this again... Regularly, and I'm gonna meet your mom, you're gonna meet my folks, we're gonna make the guys all wanna throw up. We'll get our own place, get a dog, we can get the fuck outta Iowa!" Sid smiled, making me laugh.
"I'd love that..." I nodded along.
"I'll see you real soon." He promised me.
"I can't wait." I smiled, before I kissed him again.

He kissed me back, before he started up the car again, driving me home.
As he pulled up outside my house, he grabbed a pen from the glove compartment and wrote his number on my hand, letting me also write mine on his.
"I'll call at a more reasonable hour." He smiled, making me laugh.
"I'll hold you to that." I teased him, before I climbed out his car, walking up the drive.
He waited until I was inside, giving me a wave, before he drove off... I think I'm in love.

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