Chapter 13 - Trauma

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Corey's P.O.V

I raised my fist, ready to knock and greet the Wilson's home, when I was paused by the sounds of Katie talking... Yelling? Crying...
I knocked, and eagerly waited.
"FINE! JUST STAY THERE!" She cried, before a thud.
I heard movement, so I knocked again, in case she didn't hear me, all while Mick was coming up behind me.
"They in?" He asked.
I was about to reply when a smash came from inside.
"Katie?!" I called, trying the handle. It wasn't locked, so I let us in, searching the flat, finding her in the kitchen, standing over a glass, hands shaking and covered in blood.

"Hey!" I approached carefully, knowing this will be a trigger to her childhood trauma. "You wanna just step away from the glass..." I spoke softly, hoping she could hear me.
"Mick, stop!" I grabbed his arm. "I don't know what's going on, or where Sid is, but that glass is triggering trauma... We need to get her away from it, but not in any sudden or harsh way... Men are kinda the enemy right now." I explained as briefly and quickly as I could.
"Shit, Crissy mentioned her dad was... Not good." Mick chose his words carefully.
"Katie... Can you hear me?" I asked softly. "Kiddo, it's OK... Let's just get away from the glass, yeah?" I smiled at her. "Mick, ring Cortney, her mother. She's a nurse." I grumbled, as to not scare Katie.
Mick took a step back and grabbed the phone off the side table of the couch.
"It's Corey... We're friends. Remember? You went to school with my girlfriend, and we met at graduation? You and I joked we were gonna start our own Ghostbuster's firm..."

She glanced up at me. She was someone else. It was like I was talking to Carrie White...
Her eyes were glassy, not the bright hazel they normally were. Her hands were bleeding, dripping onto the floor.
I only knew of her trauma second hand, but I felt I had this... Just nice and gentle.

"I know you're scared right now..." I took a small step towards her. "I know your mom was in a similar place."
Her eyes grew wide, her breath deep and shaky.
"Don't mention it." Mick whispered in a warning, watching this go down.
"Where's Sid, Katie?" I tried a different approach. "Want us to call him?"
Her eyes fell, lost in thought.
"It's funny seeing you without him around... You're like a couple teens, sneaking around after dark." I smiled. "He's crazy for you, though... I've never seen the man so smitten. Have you, Mick?" I asked, so she knew Mick wasn't to be afraid of.
"No, he's a real Romeo, isn't he?" Mick smiled, before whispering. "Hi, Ms Sixx, I'm sorry to bother you..."

"If you come over here-" I took another small step, motioning for her to come over. "-We can call Sid, and get him here... I know you'd love to see him..." Something clicked in my mind. I had to give it a go. "He's your knight in shiny armour, right? He got you out of the haunted house... He spoils you with all new things." I smiled at her.
"She's on her way. Keep doing what you're doing." Mick whispered.
I gave a nod, my focus on Katie. "Sid makes you feel safe. That's great! I'm so happy you have someone like that... There's only so much I can do. I don't live here with you... This is your home. Yours and Sid's."
Katie took a step back from the glass.
I looked to Mick, who shrugged at me. "She's moving from the glass."
"I must be doing something right." I nodded at him, turning back to her. "You wanna come over here? We'll get you cleaned up in no time... Call Sid." I spoken softly to her, then demanded to Mick.
"I'll step outside." He smiled to Katie, before slowly making his way out, being sure not to turn his back on the poor gal.

"It's just you and me... I'll keep you safe, until Sid gets here..." I held a hand over my heart. "I promise."
"He's not coming..." She whispered.
This is good! She's talking!
"Who's not coming?" I took another step, one more and I'll be in the kitchen, maybe three and I can get her. "Your dad? He's gone. He's far away!" I waved out the window.
"Sid..." She kneeled down, looking at the glass.
"Katie..." I shook my head. "Look at me, Kate. It's Corey!" This wasn't good.
She hovered her bloody hands over the glass, seeming fascinated with it, but I knew she was mentally a child right now.
I could make a joke about therapy, and call her Katie White, like Carrie, but this was serious... Very serious. Life or death serious...

"Katie!" I raised my voice, trying a new angle.
"I didn't do it..." She sobbed, before pressing her hands into the glass.
"Don't! Katie, look at me!" I was starting to panic. "MICK! I NEED HELP!" I called.
Mick ran in, Cortney behind him, running to her daughter's aid.
"Sid's still in LA!" Mick grabbed me pulling me aside.
"What?! Why?! What happened?!" I asked him.
He shrugged. "He was coming home on Saturday." Three days away. "I told him what's going on and he's on his way now... Katie got the train back home. Something about the producers just wanting to make money and.. I don't know!" Mick frowned.
"Jesus. These two..." I shook my head, before looking back at Katie.
She was crying, Cortney holding her like a mother would a child, stroking her hair back, shushing her, rocking her softly.
"Can you clean the glass?!" Cortney begged us.
"Yeah!" I nodded.
"Right away!" Mick helped.

. . .

Cortney stayed with Katie, in her and Sid's room. Her hands weren't bad, a few cuts, but nothing medically serious. Cortney cleaned her hands of any glass and bandaged her up, before putting her to bed.
Mick and I waited, cleaning up the apartment, and calling our friends, telling them only what we know, warning them not to jump Sid, when he gets here.
I was sure gonna give him some, but I need to hear why Katie came home early.

"Hang on, why were you coming here?" Mick asked me, putting a new bin bag into the bin.
"I saw the windows were open, and Katie walking by, as I was on my way home. I figured I'd stop in." I shrugged, sitting on the couch, lost in thought. "What about you?" I asked him.
"Sid gave me a key... I was gonna make lunch and watch the game." He gave a deep chuckle. "It's peaceful here."
I nodded. It sure was. Great area.
"She alright?" Mick asked.
I looked to him, seeing him looking to the bedroom door.
Cortney walked out, giving a sad nod. "She'll be OK. She just need to sleep... Does Sid know?" She came and sat with me.
"We've called him. He's coming home now, but he'll be an hour or so, yet..." I frowned.
Cortney nodded. "Does he... Know?"
"I don't know, if I'm honest... I know from what Mel and Crissy have told me... Katie told them about everything... She's trusts women, more than men."
"When I first met Katie, she wouldn't even look at me, and she'd freeze up when alone in a room with me... It was months before she even said 'hello' to me." Mick came over, sitting in the armchair Sid's dad used to own.

"Her father was a drunk, and physically abusive to me... Katie watched it happen a thousand times. I ran away, bringing her here, where we both went to therapy... With Katie being so young, her mind was able to forget, and change the memories." Cortney frowned.
I took her hand in mine, noticing they were shaking. This was difficult for her to talk about.
"I thought Katie would be fine, as she got older, but men just... Set her back... It took you boys a long time to gain her trust, oh, and Corey, you're always so patient with her." Cortney gave me a smile.
"Hey, we share a lot in common. She's like family to me." I smiled, shrugging it off, as I do.
"Broken glass and blood... The two separate, she'll just be 'oh, that's familiar', but when put together-"
"She's back there." I nodded, understanding. "What happened?"
"Why did you hesitate to knock on the door, Corey?" Mick asked me.
"I heard Katie... Crying... She said 'Just stay there'..." I recalled.
"Sid." Mick and I looked at each other.

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