• Chapter One •

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Every teenager dreads the sound of their alarm clock going off. The obnoxious beeping followed by the groans of the reluctant teen dragging themselves out of bed, often accompanied by squinting at the sunlight streaming through the window with disdain.

I rub my eyes, feeling around on the floor for my now-broken alarm clock which was slammed off my nightstand in an attempt to silence it. In a lazy drawl, I call out, "Sora!". There's a pattering of paws in the hallway followed by the metallic clanks of his collar. He enters my room, pressing the side of his fluffy head against my bare leg before plopping two things at my feet. I slide my feet into my slippers, murmuring a thank you and offering him a pat on the head. Sora happily trots out of my room, no doubt going to his empty food and water bowls.

I grunt as I stand up, a gradual ache spreading through my sore muscles. I really should get into yoga or something. A lazy hand runs through my tangled hair as I slump into the kitchen. I fill two measuring cups, one with dog food, the other with water. I carefully walk over to Sora's bowls, crouching down to feel which bowl is which. I fill the cool metal water bowl first, followed by the plastic food bowl.

"There you go, bud." I pat Sora's side and go to forage for food for myself. The refrigerator is depressingly empty. Note to self: go shopping after school. School...

"SHIT!" The refrigerator door slams shut, "Today's my first day of school!" I sprint into the bathroom, turning on the shower. Aizawa's gonna kill me.

After taking the fastest shower in the world, I shake water from my damp hair while sloppily pulling on my uniform. The pants and blazer are too big and I don't even bother attempting to tie the tie. Grabbing a protein drink, kicking on my sneakers, and throwing my backpack over my shoulder, I kiss Sora on the head and sprint out the door.

My haphazard running through the busy morning streets, full of people walking to work, is accompanied by rushed cursing under my breath, narrowly dodging cars, pedestrians, and the occasional rogue streetlamp or mailbox. My untied tie flaps sloppily around my neck, threatening to fly off into the street. After a moment's consideration, I wrap the piece of fabric around my sweaty hand and shove it in my pocket. Auras crash in my mind, as unpredictable and loud as waves, blaring color across my thoughts.

By the time my battered sneakers scrape against the smooth concrete entrance leading to the doors of UA High School, my head aches and my breath escapes me in ragged puffs. I can feel a bruise forming on my knee after a narrow run-in with a trash can.

"W-what time is it?" I pant, fumbling with my phone. The digital assistant installed on my phone speaks up, it is 8:20. Stuffing my phone into my bag, I sprint up the steps and through doors, "Shit! Where's my homeroom? I only have five minutes to find it."

The inside of UA smells...strange. My shoes squeak on the polished floor, the stinging scent of cleaner burning my nostrils. A more pleasant smell drifts from what I assume is the Cafeteria. Where the hell is Class 1-A? I throw down my arms in frustration, quickly reaching into my pocket to unfurl my tie. I can't tie it, but I let it hang underneath my shirt collar, the ends fluttering as I move. My callused fingers tap anxiously against my side, scraping roughly on the stiff fabric of my pants.

"Can I help you?" A polite voice inquires, coming from...below me?

"I'm looking for Class 1-A? Today's my first day."

"Oh!" The voice pipes up, "You must be Kai Himiko. Aizawa mentioned your belated appearance." A soft, fur-covered paw grasps my hand, "It's nice to meet you, I'm Principal Nezu."

I smile through my poorly-concealed shock, "It's nice to meet you, sir."

"I'll show you to your Homeroom now, you'll be just on time." Nezu says pleasantly, his frighteningly intelligent aura quickly moving away from me. Running a hand through my windswept hair, I follow after the Principal. As I trek down the hallways, I can sense the strong auras of powerful people with powerful quirks everywhere. It is a hero school, after all.

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