• Chapter Two •

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The seating arrangement is the same in every class. And somehow, I've ended up sitting between two people with the brightest, most obnoxious auras ever, accompanied by strong Chakras. At least Midoriya has a gentle demeanor. The loud boy in front of me is, as Jiro warned, short-tempered. He's quiet during class but bursts out yelling whenever anyone says something to him. His aura always seems an agitated red, amplified by his overwhelming Chakra. Most people's aura changes throughout the day depending on their mood, but his stays red hot. Something must have recently happened that has forced him to bottle up his anger.

Unlike auras, Chakra/Chi is a life-force and spiritual energy. Oftentimes, people with strong quirks have much stronger Chakras, no doubt to fuel their quirk. I cannot see Chakra like I can aura colors. Rather, I sense Chakra as a presence around me. Something I can just...tell it's there. Not to mention that large concentrations of Chakra in people are reflected by brighter and larger auras.

Bakugou's aura is not only a bold red, but it's big and bright, and a real headache inducer. In addition to his booming voice and aggressive movements, his overwhelming Chakra and red aura are enough to make anyone recoil from his overall abrasiveness.

Luckily, very few of my classmates are as easy to dislike as him. Jiro and I become fast friends after she invites me to lunch. We share much of the same music taste and general style. She and Mina help introduce me to our classmates.

Mina's a bit hyper, but her bubbly personality is infectious and leaves me smiling during the conversation we share. Iida is expectedly formal and stiff, but also kind and good-natured. Uraraka and Tsu are sweet and genuine. Kaminari's kind of an idiot, but in a charming, dorky manner. Sero's more laid back and quite likable. Kirishima is a sweetheart, reminding me of a puppy dog. Yaoyorozu sounds intelligent everytime she speaks, but gives off a gentle air. All these people are surprisingly likable. I find my heart slowly warming a space for my peers.

"Hey hottie, wanna go out with me?" The question comes from a sleazy voice in front of me that makes me instinctively recoil. So perhaps not everyone is likable.

I sniff, "Go to hell." The boy in front of me grumbles something under his breath and stomps off.

"Uh oh." Jiro approaches me, "What did Mineta want?"

"'Hey hottie, wanna go out with me?'" I imitate the pervert, including his obnoxious voice.

Jiro chuckles, "Yeah, that sounds like him. Just keep your distance from him."

"You don't have to tell me twice." I mutter. With that, my first day at UA High comes to a close. I pack up my bag, but not before exchanging phone numbers with all the girls. I happily sling my bag over my shoulder, eager to go home and walk Sora.

* * *

My keys jingle against my door as I step into my apartment. I hear the distinct sound of Sora's paws pattering against the wood floor. I grin, "I'm home, Sora!" He licks at my hands, tail wagging eagerly at my arrival. I close the door behind me and sling my backpack on the counter before turning my attention to the pup.

As I kneel down to pet him, he eagerly bestows sloppy kisses on my neck and face, causing me to giggle and pull away from him, "I know you missed me." I laugh, running my hands through his soft fur and rambling about my day.

"...and there's this really nice girl named Uraraka. She's so sweet. OH! And there's this boy named Koda who can talk to animals with his quirk. I bet you'd like to meet him." I pout slightly, "But there's this angry boy in front of me. He's so loud! I can't even focus on my studies because his aura is so freaking bright." I sigh dramatically, slumping against Sora's side. The moment I do, I stop to consider the combination of dog fur and my school uniform.

"Well shit." I can't help but shake my head at my own idiocy, "I'm gonna go throw this in the laundry and get changed into comfy clothes. Then we'll go on a walk, yeah?" Sora eagerly wags his tail upon hearing the word walk.

Ten minutes later, dressed in old sweats and a tank top, I put together Sora's vest and harness and carefully clip him into it. Before leaving the apartment, I remember to slip on a pair of sunglasses and shove my keys into my pocket. "Let's go, buddy."

Todoroki POV

I understand why everyone is so curious about the new girl. Even I can't help but wonder about how strong she is, even enough so to garner Aizawa's approval. Even more curious is when I see her in the park that I normally go to feed the Koi fish. She walks a fluffy black and white dog with a peculiar leash. As she gets closer, I see the dog wearing a service dog vest.

"Himiko." I murmur politely.

"Ah. Todoroki, right?" The girl looks panicked for a moment, nervously shifting her grip on the service dog harness, "I wasn't expecting to bump into anyone here. "

"I live nearby." I mumble quietly.

"Ah. So do I." The girl in front of me shifts awkwardly, "Um. This is Sora, he's um–"

"He's a service dog."

"Yes." Himiko speaks quietly, "He's my seeing eye dog."

I blink, her words taking a moment to register in my head, "You're blind?"


"Do any of our classmates know?"

"No." Himiko chews on her lip, "I'd appreciate it if you kept quiet about this, Todoroki. I don't want pity points from anyone."

"That's your business, Himiko." I nod slowly, "I won't tell."

"Thank you. And you can just call me Kai." Himiko—Kai smiles, lifting her head confidently, "I have a feeling you and I are very similar, Shoto Todoroki."


Kai presses a finger to her lips, "That's a secret for another day." She winks and pats her dog on the head, "Have a good evening, Todoroki." As she turns to leave, I notice strange scars on her left shoulder peeking from underneath her tank top.

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